XMAS Goodies
Ok, so in a few hours, you guys should all be receiving this email. I'll spill the beans early for those who just can't seem to wait. There were 4 planned things for tonight, but 1 will have to wait for New Years
- XMAS Avatars - A Couple new sets added for both men and women and both include my sexy ass santa hat.
- Purchased Doubled - All favors (whether bought or earned through surveys) will be doubled and so will all respected status purchases.
- Fire Sale - I'm cleaning out my closet and wrapping up all my unwanted amenities as presents. Each amenity will be 5 favors and there's not elling what you'll get. There's 2,000 amenities in all (15 different types - some that won't ever be for sale direct) and the sale will continue until all of them have sold out.
Email: http://www.prisonblock.com/emails/xmas-2009
Fire Sale: http://www.prisonblock.com/warden-fire-sale
I'm interested in seeing what everybody got, so post up
Thanks Mufasa
1 mini fridge and 1 bag of coal. hahaha! this is great!!!
got a couple of each. super stoked. Xmas tree and minifridge are badass! bluray is sweet, can't wait for the discs. coal will be great for training
Mustafa, you are a total bamf.
And I got like 7 lumps of coal, am I that bad? D:
4 lumps of coal 3 yoga with yogi blue rays 2 modern sofa's and a blue ray in a wrapped box lol nice song ehh? made 60k off coal btw Happy holidays mufasa!
just earned 30 favors doing 4 of those offers!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! EVERYONE GO DO THEM!
"There are 685 amenities left in The Warden's closet!"
Damn, you guys bought almost 75% of all the amenities in like an hour. I may have to restock for you know.. actual XMAS day haha