MaxMano scammed me out of 30k EDs for a PS3. I delivered the 30k eds, he said he would send me the PS3 when he came back from vacation. I guess he never came back from vacation. This was 1 month ago.
He said he was quitting the game, which was why he was selling everything. I should have known better.

That's what I thought; but he assured me it was just because he was leaving the game and just wanted to sell everything. I spied his cell, he had it in his cell, amongst a few other amens. And then it was gone, while he was on vacation. What a douche. Just a heads up so no one falls for his shit again, in case he does come back to the game

Lol never saw that maxmano thing...I'm pretty sure I bought those eds from him....I'm guessing that's y he sold me 25 k eds for 30 bucks paypal lol

Just a friendly reminder. Please add:
the name of the person who scammed you.
What the original deal was.
What happened.
No convo about said scam in this thread. If you need to reply to it, reply to the person posting in a private message. The person can edit their post if there has been a misunderstanding.
Update...Paypal denied my request for a refund. I've filed an appeal.
I did get this message from her today out of no where:
Juice_Lucy said on 10.04.2011 @ 1:47PM:

JCsucks said on 05.13.2012 @ 8:18PM:
Juice_Lucy paid me back and it should be noted in the scammers thread that is locked.
Thank you.
Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

sure this one made a new alias, ill pay well for proof. if you know message me, dont protect scammers you will get stabbed in the back

Scammer took items from my gang member and WAS supposed to provide 2850 EDS
Scammer : Callumthebest
The deal was 10k ed's for an elite.
Long story short: right before the deals about to go down he asks if it can be 2,5k ed's and 2,5k sw upfront and he'll post it
for 1$ on the market. So i accept and send the items to him, then messages him that the items are sent....
But get a reply the he's blocking my mails.... and no elite posted either incase some1 should think he hit the wrong button or something.
Afterwards i'm told he's a known scammer .... which was a bit late so letting y'all know.