Item Title

Item Description

smaug's Rap Sheet

smaug [BOB]
Level 22
Health:   509,381/509,381
Cash: $3,309,567
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 15 years, 3 days
Last Seen: 2 years, 2 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Here i had a youtube vid of Charles manson going full mental at some hearing, dunno why but guess it made sense
oldschool pb

SangriaX // 04.23.2012 @ 9:17am Pass the word along: If I get messaged from anyone releasing anyone's personal info, banned, no questions asked. Ty

SD Cell is protected...

kingtommy [FP] // 03.05.2013 @ 2:04pm
If you log in from the same device/location, perma-dupe
kingtommy [FP] // 03.05.2013 @ 2:04pm
Many players are IP duped with numerous others. It disappears after 14 days of not being duped.

kingtommy [FSQ] // 04.15.2013 @ 4:04pm
I can see all of the chat logs.

DemOlition [DR] // 12.23.2013 @ 10:56am
damn BOB got better recruit requirements than any gang ive seen, smaug is a boss

Darkzside [WAR] // 08.18.2013 @ 12:29pm
Unfortunately i work for feds now so i'm coming to your yard.

31642013 // 09.02.2013 @ 12:22pm
then I will make babies with smaug

shaw on BOB
shawshank [FAM] // 09.08.2013 @ 8:23am
lol..a family of what??????..perverted,incestial,sexobseesed pyscopaths?????lol

IBsmokinSES [WAR] // 10.10.2013 @ 5:05pm Ahahaha smaug your fucked in the noodle

thugleif [NPW] // 01.11.2014 @ 11:41am
hahaha and people say that i am weird lol

Ivy_ [BOB] // 06.04.2013 @ 6:10am
He really need to pick a personality and stick with it [LOL]

Wildcard, something you want to tell us ??? what are you looking 4 ?
Wildcard [DBB] // 10.11.2013 @ 6:27pm
who has a penis

BubbaKush [RS] // 07.24.2013 @ 3:00pm
im a pasty ass cracka!!!!

Wildcard [DBB] // 07.21.2013 @ 2:48pm
Bob is the exception lol

(i'm sure i'm getting this upside down )
Blackvido [BSA] // 06.02.2013 @ 8:35am
dayna why u so expensive

Dayna mothering ivy up :

dayna [SLA] // 05.13.2013 @ 10:33am
ur a bob u dnt need us [Silly]

Dem looking to join BOB ??? :
DemOlition [DR] // 06.12.2013 @ 1:53pm
shiidd.. time to get someone pregnant

Ivy_ [BOB] // 07.29.2013 @ 4:54pm
I doubt it from what i gather he dosen't have the mental capacity to make a play on words like that

2Bluntz [IGD] // 07.14.2013 @ 1:21pm
lol smaug..u are a living time machine

this is just asking for it .. read closely
millerkills // 06.18.2013 @ 1:29pm

Tecky // 03.02.2013 @ 5:23pm
couse hes u r stupid

prisoner187 // 03.03.2013 @ 2:49pm
smaug is my master

vintral [FP] // 01.22.2013 @ 11:25am
I love my little ponies.

sly5986 // 01.22.2013 @ 10:07am
wtf is goin on him not a beaner im blackere

dannysamson [BOB] // 02.07.2013 @ 7:29am fuck im chonged anyway

Read the following !!!!!!!!!!! :

smaug [BOB] // 10.21.2012 @ 12:06pm
so is it true that brock has a highpitched voice ??

sohail000 // 10.21.2012 @ 12:06pm
yes smaug he sounds like a mouse

DeathStar100 said on 01.11.2013 @ 1:04PM:
but then again i would strip for anyone

DeathStar100 // 09.04.2012 @ 2:33pm

:P inbox quickly nowww!! please sweetie!!

- but she never really wrote me... OR sent me those seedy pics ... broke my heart DS

Some ppl discuss Nietsche, Jung and Kant,
Somme ppl discuss the wrongful imprisonment of political activists like Pussy riot.
Some ppl discuss sports with a hellbent fury ,
Some discuss music,
And then...... there's Brock :

TheBrockStar // 09.22.2012 @ 6:28am
Haha, look at the end of my cash "911"

[img="" alt=""]

DemOlition [DR] // 06.04.2013 @ 12:11pm
I dont mind being called SmaugsFather [Shrug]


smaug // 09.17.2012 @ 5:21pm
dont dream that you're dying, cuz you could be dying in your sleep, thinking you're awake, helpless as it were

i'll tell you silent, i'll tell you the truth...
.with a swipe of my knife, i'll steal your life, i'll steal your youth.

You've sent shafz_9 28,156 Energy Drinks, 100 Candy Corns, 1 Peanutss and were charged a $100 fee

DeathStar100 [LTG] // 10.23.2012 @ 2:56pm
little girl? and smaug has already raped me, so it makes no difference. @yaggisan nugz is only after your attention

Version 1 :
shafz_9 // 08.24.2012 @ 12:30pm

Im the fat chpmunk

Version 2:
shafz_9 // 08.24.2012 @ 12:35pm

I think im the fat chipmunk...spell it properly for me lmao
*Wut?? Shafz needin' spellchecks ??*

Booah // 08.23.2012 @ 8:59ambrb. need to give craig head so he can fart in my face! its the BOMB!

SummerSoco // 08.06.2012 @ 9:59amsomeone buy my four leaf clover for 25favs and ill give u free sex (rest of the message deleted obviously pointless to read on )

Booah // 07.10.2012 @ 10:03amlmfao! people who dont like pooping on other people are weird

Booah // 06.30.2012 @ 2:57pm@smaug, can you baby sit my kids sometime next weekend?? lmao!

Booah // 06.30.2012 @ 3:00pmnah, i want you to put them in your oven @smaug

04/01/2012 5:43pm Booah has sent you $1,000,000! Random acts pure kindness still exsist here in PB , tnx Booah

04/29/2012 4:21pm Booah has sent you $1,000,000! There she goes and does it

Booah // 02.19.2012 @ 7:55pm if i didnt have children, i would totally be a nudist!

Hoffa // 03.08.2012 @ 8:53am nah i dont like futuristic games idk y. and lala is a sexy ass sheman

Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt1 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.

03/12/2013 7:55pm
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that DEATH_KING put out on jrah [GGN]. You get $876!

03/12/2013 6:14pm
You've successfully completed the hit that wadephillips put out on TheChronicMan. You get $125,000!

You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that V12DaChamp put out on Povich. You get $1,636,364!

01/31/2013 5:54am
You've successfully completed the hit that BlackBlind put out on longdong. You get 25 favors!

01/13/2013 8:33pm
You've successfully completed the hit that mcgovo put out on DEATH_KING. You get 20 favors!

01/05/2013 11:46pm
You've successfully completed the hit that mcgovo put out on TheGrimraper [PSN]. You get 20 favors!

11/26/2012 8:08pm
You've successfully completed the hit that TheChronicMan put out on GameAssassin [GDN]. You get $1,000,000!

11/26/2012 6:13pm
You've successfully completed the hit that WhAtChAgOnNaD0 put out on dannysamson [HR]. You get $5,000,000!

11/19/2012 9:11pm
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that rjp123 put out on dannysamson [HR]. You get $6,565,657!

11/17/2012 3:37pm
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that rog_ put out on dannysamson [HR]. You get $1,037,501!

Bonus on that hit : rog_ has sent you 1,000 Energy Drinks!

09/28/2012 4:03pm
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that V12DaChamp put out on ogpeak1. You get $1,056,339!

You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that TheBrockStar put out on king_nugz_786. You get $1,000!

05/05/2012 9:01am puta tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!
You've sent puta $5 and were charged a 10% fee

02/18/2012 5:31pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 9!
02/18/2012 11:41pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 10!
02/19/2012 7:15pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 11!
04/22/2012 9:25pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 12!
Meh, i lvled while dozing off, think i might have clicked the watchtower search,
what a pro way to level up
06/19/2012 5:10pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 13!
09/15/2012 1:34pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 14!
02/22/2013 4:36amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 15!
02/22/2013 3:24pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 16!
03/24/2013 4:28pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 17!
09/02/2013 12:52pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 18!
03/08/2014 6:58amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 19!

09/22/2012 7:45pm
Congratulations, Midweight! You won a Bodybag Trophy (item), Iron Man 2 - IMAX (amenity), and $150,000 in cash from Fight Night!

CONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Kung Fu Panda 2 and $147,000!�

Adam hands you a Playboy Magazine. NO REFUNDS!

09/05/2013 4:40pm
You took 1 The Lorax from ProdigyX's cell!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his In My Sleep, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,250 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his PlayStation Move (Blue), one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,250 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Christmas Tree, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,000 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 3,000 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Crib, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his DVD Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Flat Screen TV, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Air Purifier, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Personal Computer, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Computer Chair, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Dumbbells, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Lion Cub, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Self-Defense Book, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in XXXX cell, grab his TV on Crate, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!

You break in to XXXX cell, grab his Self-Defense Book, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

Nonshit raids, newest on top SD :

You break in, and make off with 82 Large Bottle of Water, 64 Rolled Blunt, 3 Cheeseburger, 8 Bottle of Water, 716 Energy Drink, 12 Bandages, 8 Chocolate Bar, 2 Hot Dog, 26 Red Bull, 5 Health Shake, 6 Large Chocolate Bar, 1 Green Beer, 1 Muller Lite, 1 Shamrock Shake, 1 Jelly Beans, 14 Cranberry Juice, 1 Raspberry Candy, 1 Yellow Egg, 98 Red Apple, 1 2017 Champagne, 1 Pumpkin Pie, 2 Easter Egg, 19 6-Pack of Water, 1 Bourbon, 3 Hot Chocolate, 1 Turkey Drumstick, 4 Frog Legs, 1 Egg Nog, 1 Bottle of Mead and 1 Chocolate Egg and $4,628 from their bank! You earn 12,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with 5 Chocolate Bar, 846 Bottle of Water, 89 Rolled Blunt, 13 Raw Weed, 69 Energy Drink, 28 Large Bottle of Water, 8 Large Chocolate Bar, 117 Red Bull, 27 Bandages, 62 Cheeseburger, 16 Health Shake, 4 Paddy's Pint, 1 Easter Egg, 2 6-Pack of Water, 2 6-Pack of RedBull, 5 Cranberry Juice, 5 Ruby Slippers, 2 2011 Champagne, 6 Hot Dog, 1 Beer, 2 Clover, 1 White Egg, 1 Jelly Beans, 1 Flux Capacitor, 1 Flim Flam, 3 Adamantium Disc, 1 Something Old, 1 Token, 42 Cotton Candy, 6 Popcorn, 1 Peanuts, 1 Corn, 1 Apple, 1 Cherry, 12 Cherry Pie, 2 Pumpkin Pie, 1 Pumpkin, 1 Breadcrumbs, 1 Egg Nog, 1 Tinsel, 1 Green Beer, 25 Chocolate Egg, 2 Chocolate Bunny, 7 Tequila, 3 Lollipop, 1 Melon Candy, 1 Raspberry Candy, 1 Glass Bottle, 27 Dried Jerky, 1 Can of Beans, 1 Zombie Water, 8 Swamp Water, 45 Gator Jerky, 1 Crunchy Crawdad, 21 Frog Legs, 1 Gator Tooth, 2 Plastic Scrap, 1 Empty Water Bottle, 1 Toilet Paper Roll, 1 Nuts, 21 Bourbon, 5 Candy Cane, 7 Yellow Egg, 1 Blue Egg, 1 2017 Champagne, 1 2017 Champagne Glass, 8 Red Apple, 1 Acorn, 47 Turkey Drumstick, 1 Fruit Medley, 1 Rare Steak, 1 Goblet of Mead, 1 Bottle of Mead, 1 Flagon of Wine, 38 Stein of Water, 3 Marmalade Sandwich, 13 Muller Lite, 1 Piece of Silver, 1 Christmas Cookies, 1 Frozen Fish, 1 Fortune Cookie and 1 2019 Champagne and $4,895 from their bank! You earn 12,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with 39 Chocolate Bar, 225 Bottle of Water, 130 Raw Weed, 940 Energy Drink, 17 Large Chocolate Bar, 290 2010 Champagne, 37 Bandages, 150 Cheeseburger, 44 Health Shake, 1 2011 Champagne, 46 Hot Dog, 107 Beer, 1 Clover, 1 Power Ring Thingy, 1 Copper Triverp, 2 Flux Capacitor, 2 Flim Flam, 1 Adamantium Disc, 1 Matter Injector, 1 Something Old, 1 Something New, 1 Something Blue, 1 Lewd Photo, 1 Lewdest Photo, 1 Lewder Photo, 1 Token, 1 Gloves, 1 Squirt Flower, 1 Wig, 1 Horn Nose, 1 Doofy Shoes, 59 Cotton Candy, 25 Popcorn, 2 Peanuts, 1 Corn, 1 Apple, 2 Cherry, 1 Dead Chicken, 1 Dead Duck, 1 Dead Turkey, 1 Pumpkin, 1 Breadcrumbs, 1 Pie Crust, 1 Bow, 1 Bells, 1 Tinsel, 1 Fake Antlers, 1 Golf Club, 1 Small Mattress, 1 Alka Seltzer Tablets, 22 Chocolate Egg, 4 Chocolate Bunny, 1 Empty Basket, 1 Lime, 1 Salt, 13 Tequila, 4 Lollipop, 1 Hard Disk, 1 Motherboard, 1 RAM Chip, 1 Athletic Shoe, 1 Olympics Souvenir Photo, 1 Olympics Postcards, 1 Metal Scraps, 1 Wire, 1 Zombie Flesh, 1 Big Zombie Bone, 1 Voodoo Beads, 1 Glass Bottle, 1 Matches, 1 Gun Powder, 1 Rag, 15 Can of Beans, 4 Rotten Hot Dog, 62 Rotten Cheeseburger, 1 Voodoo Necklace, 1 2013 Champagne, 1 Roll, 74 Frog Legs, 1 Gator Tooth, 1 Plastic Scrap, 1 Gator Skin, 1 Bat Wing, 2 Wolf Pelt, 1 Wolf Teeth, 1 Bat Guano, 1 Glowing Mushrooms, 1 Sulphur Dust, 1 Empty Water Bottle, 1 Toilet Paper Roll, 1 Vampire Fang, 1 Werewolf Canine, 2 Nuts, 1 Holy Hand Grenade, 1 Fireplace Ash, 1 Small Ectoplasm, 1 Old Book, 1 Turkey Feather, 3 Candy Cane, 17 2017 Champagne Glass, 1 Faire Ticket, 15 Red Apple, 35 Acorn, 192 Turkey Drumstick, 1 Flagon of Wine, 121 Stein of Water, 597 Muller Lite, 4 Piece of Silver, 10 Christmas Cookies and 3 Fortune Cookie! You earn 12,000 EXP!

You break in, and make off with 68 Bottle of Water, 60 Rolled Blunt, 2461 Energy Drink, 2 Adamantium Disc, 1 Something Blue, 1 Something Old, 1 Something New, 3 Token, 1 Corn, 1 Pumpkin, 2 Breadcrumbs, 1 Apple, 1 Cherry, 20 Red Bull and 3 Nuts and $2,770 from their bank! You earn 12,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bandages, a Rolled Blunt, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Health Shake, a Toilet Paper Roll, a Empty Water Bottle, a Nuts, a Glass Bottle, a Rubber Scraps, a Adamantium Disc, a Chocolate Bar, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Peanuts, a Bourbon, a Chocolate Egg, a Raspberry Candy, a Chocolate Bunny, a Flux Capacitor, a Rotten Egg, a Beer, a Breadcrumbs, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Corn, a Apple, a Flim Flam, a Token, a Power Ring Thingy, a Copper Triverp, a Plastic Scrap, a Matter Injector and $31,500 from their bank! You earn 10,000 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Cranberry Juice, a Cherry, a Apple, a Gator Tooth, a Zombie Flesh, a Plastic Scrap, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Dried Jerky, a Large Bottle of Water, a Wolf Teeth, a Pumpkin Pie, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Chocolate Bar, a Bourbon, a Melon Candy, a Raspberry Candy, a Lollipop, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Egg Nog, a Candy Cane, a Hot Chocolate, a Nuts, a Rubber Scraps, a Metal Scraps, a Glass Bottle, a Turkey Feather, a Dead Duck, a Red Bull, a Cheeseburger, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Zombie Water, a Raw Weed, a RAM Chip, a Dead Turkey, a Token, a Dead Chicken, a Adamantium Disc, a Golden Ticket, a Copper Triverp, a Bandages, a Health Shake, a Beer and $23,713 from their bank! You earn 8,750 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Bandages, a Cheeseburger, a Egg Nog, a Red Bull, a Toilet Paper Roll, a Breadcrumbs, a Empty Water Bottle, a Chocolate Bar, a Health Shake, a Rubber Scraps, a Nuts, a Hot Dog, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Beer, a Apple Pie, a Pumpkin Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Cranberry Juice, a Swamp Water, a Flim Flam and $9,046 from their bank! You earn 9,000 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Hot Dog, a Cherry, a Copper Triverp, a Energy Drink, a Bandages, a Pink Egg, a Cheeseburger, a Shaft, a Wooden Plank, a Adamantium Disc, a Salt, a Apple, a Something Blue, a Handle, a Pumpkin, a Something Old, a Something New, a Token, a Beer, a Blue Ticket, a Power Ring Thingy, a Plastic Scrap, a Flux Capacitor, a Twine, a Zombie Flesh, a Breadcrumbs, a Corn, a Hard Disk, a Flim Flam, a Glass Bottle, a Golden Ticket, a Nails, a Rolled Blunt, a Raw Weed, a Driver's License, a Wedding Band, a Matter Injector, a Dead Duck, a Lime, a RAM Chip, a Motherboard, a Bottle of Water, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Large Bottle of Water, a Chocolate Bar, a Pet Rock, a Gator Tooth, a Toilet Paper Roll, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Sulphur Dust, a Wolf Teeth, a Bat Guano, a Empty Water Bottle, a Glowing Mushrooms, a Wolf Pelt, a Bat Wing, a Rubber Scraps, a Nuts, a Peanuts, a 6-Pack of Water, a Sports Ticket, a Big Zombie Bone, a Matches, a Rag, a Pie Crust, a Goggles, a Athletic Shoe, a Alka Seltzer Tablets, a Head, a Bow, a Botox, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Zombie Water, a Raspberry Candy, a Jelly Beans, a Swamp Water, a Can of Beans, a Candy Corn, a Ruby Slippers, a Melon Candy, a Lollipop, a Zombie Antidote and $9,366 from their bank! You earn 8,250 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Health Shake, a Green Egg, a Blue Egg, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Beer, a Raw Weed, a Swamp Water, a Gator Jerky, a Cherry Pie, a Egg Nog, a Cheeseburger, a Lollipop, a Peanuts, a Hot Dog, a Apple Pie, a Matter Injector, a 2012 Champagne, a Pumpkin Pie, a 2010 Champagne, a 6-Pack of Water, a Dried Jerky, a Zombie Water, a Bandages, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Ruby Slippers, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Melon Candy, a Can of Beans, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Tequila, a Pink Egg, a Popcorn, a Cotton Candy, a Green Beer, a Chocolate Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Crunchy Crawdad, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flim Flam, a Lime, a Lewdest Photo, a Wire, a Breadcrumbs and $27,008 from their bank! You earn 12,000 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Adamantium Disc, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Token, a Blue Ticket, a Salt, a Zombie Flesh, a Big Zombie Bone, a Cherry, a Wooden Plank, a Bells, a Corn, a Rubber Scraps, a Dead Chicken, a Shaft! You earn 8,250 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Blue Ticket, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Red Bull, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Plastic Scrap, a Gator Tooth, a Twine, a Handle, a Token, a Chocolate Bar, a Apple, a Large Bottle of Water, a Sports Ticket, a Corn, a Frog Legs, a Bandages, a Raw Weed, a Power Ring Thingy, a Pumpkin Pie, a Pie Crust and $16,500 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Energy Drink, a Large Bottle of Water, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Popcorn, a Jelly Beans, a Lollipop, a Candy Corn, a Melon Candy, a Raspberry Candy and $430 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Copper Triverp, a Something Blue, a Blue Ticket, a Token, a Corn, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Cranberry Juice, a Pumpkin Pie, a Egg Nog, a Cherry Pie, a Raw Weed, a Wooden Plank, a Apple Pie, a Cotton Candy, a Chocolate Egg, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Something New, a Something Old, a Matter Injector, a Golden Ticket, a Petrified Banshee, a Breadcrumbs, a Tinsel, a Bells, a Bow and $2 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Energy Drink, a Large Bottle of Water, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Popcorn, a Raw Weed, a Jelly Beans, a Lollipop, a Peanuts, a Candy Corn, a Melon Candy, a Raspberry Candy and $598 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Something New, a Something Old, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Peanuts, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Corn, a Cherry, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Beer, a Wooden Plank, a Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Chocolate Bar and $593 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Something New, a Something Old, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Peanuts, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Corn, a Cherry, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Beer, a Wooden Plank, a Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Chocolate Bar and $1,074 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Copper Triverp, a Something Blue, a Blue Ticket, a Token, a Corn, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Cranberry Juice, a Pumpkin Pie, a Egg Nog, a Cherry Pie, a Raw Weed, a Wooden Plank, a Apple Pie, a Cotton Candy, a Chocolate Egg, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Something New, a Something Old, a Matter Injector, a Golden Ticket, a Petrified Banshee, a Breadcrumbs, a Tinsel, a Bells, a Bow and $2 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Blue Ticket, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Peanuts, a Raw Weed, a Bandages, a Flim Flam, a Roll, a Pet Rock, a Cranberry Juice, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Dried Jerky, a Cherry Pie, a Melon Candy, a Hot Dog, a Zombie Water, a Can of Beans, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Apple Pie, a Tinsel! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Red Bull, a Green Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Peanuts, a Cotton Candy, a Raw Weed, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Tequila, a Lollipop, a Lime, a Salt and $674 from their bank! You earn 3,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Energy Drink, a Something New, a Bottle of Water, a Adamantium Disc, a Flux Capacitor, a Power Ring Thingy, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Blue Ticket, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Copper Triverp, a Token, a Flim Flam, a Breadcrumbs, a Cherry, a Pumpkin, a Ruby Slippers, a Beer, a Matter Injector, a Apple, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Golden Ticket, a Corn, a Clover, a Wooden Plank, a Red Bull, a Chocolate Egg, a Lime, a Salt, a Hot Dog, a 6-Pack of Water, a Raw Weed, a RAM Chip, a 2012 Champagne, a Wire, a Lollipop, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Zombie Water, a Dried Jerky, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Melon Candy, a Peanuts, a Can of Beans, a Cranberry Juice, a Jelly Beans, a Chocolate Bar, a Egg Nog, a Apple Pie, a Pumpkin Pie, a Tinsel, a Cherry Pie, a Candy Corn and $7,133 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!


You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Adamantium Disc, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a 2012 Champagne, a Energy Drink, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Apple Pie, a Rolled Blunt, a Cotton Candy, a 6-Pack of Water, a Lollipop, a Raspberry Candy, a Melon Candy, a Chocolate Bar, a Jelly Beans, a Hot Dog, a Cheeseburger, a Pumpkin Pie, a Peanuts, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Beer, a Tennis Racket, a Big Zombie Bone, a Candy Corn, a Breadcrumbs, a Large Bottle of Water, a Cherry, a Pie Crust and $60,098 from their bank! You earn 3,800 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Something New, a Something Old, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Peanuts, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Corn, a Cherry, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Beer, a Wooden Plank, a Nails, a Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Cranberry Juice, a Cheeseburger, a Chocolate Bar and $2,315 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Copper Triverp, a Something Blue, a Blue Ticket, a Token, a Corn, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Cranberry Juice, a Pumpkin Pie, a Egg Nog, a Cherry Pie, a Raw Weed, a Wooden Plank, a Apple Pie, a Cotton Candy, a Chocolate Egg, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Something New, a Something Old, a Matter Injector, a Golden Ticket, a Petrified Banshee, a Breadcrumbs, a Tinsel, a Bells, a Bow and $1 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Something New, a Something Old, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Peanuts, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Corn, a Cherry, a Handle, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Beer, a Wooden Plank, a Nails, a Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Cranberry Juice, a Cheeseburger, a Chocolate Bar and $1,162 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Red Bull, a Green Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Peanuts, a Cotton Candy, a Raw Weed, a Clover, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Tequila, a Lollipop, a Lime, a Salt and $723 from their bank! You earn 3,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Copper Triverp, a Something Blue, a Blue Ticket, a Token, a Corn, a Apple, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Cranberry Juice, a Pumpkin Pie, a Egg Nog, a Cherry Pie, a Raw Weed, a Wooden Plank, a Apple Pie, a Cotton Candy, a Chocolate Egg, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Something New, a Something Old, a Matter Injector, a Golden Ticket, a Petrified Banshee, a Breadcrumbs, a Tinsel, a Bells, a Bow and $1 from their bank! You earn 3,900 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Chocolate Bar, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Energy Drink, a Cheeseburger, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Raw Weed, a Clover, a Hot Dog, a Green Egg, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Beer, a Cranberry Juice, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Matter Injector, a Cotton Candy, a Blue Ticket, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Corn, a Breadcrumbs, a Ruby Slippers, a Apple, a Candy Corn and $10,248 from their bank! You earn 3,800 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Bandages, a Cheeseburger, a Hot Dog, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Chocolate Bar, a Red Bull, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Beer, a Golden Ticket, a Ruby Slippers and $9,244 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Golden Ticket, a Adamantium Disc, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Token, a Blue Ticket, a Salt, a Nails, a Breadcrumbs, a Power Ring Thingy, a Copper Triverp, a Cherry, a Apple, a Zombie Flesh, a Voodoo Beads, a Rag, a Big Zombie Bone, a Small Mattress, a Silver Medal, a RAM Chip! You earn 3,300 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Red Bull, a Green Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Peanuts, a Cotton Candy, a Raw Weed, a Clover, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Tequila, a Lollipop, a Lime, a Salt and $504 from their bank! You earn 3,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Energy Drink, a Large Bottle of Water, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Popcorn, a Egg Nog, a Raw Weed, a Jelly Beans, a Lollipop, a Peanuts, a Candy Corn, a Pumpkin Pie, a Melon Candy, a Raspberry Candy and $1,703 from their bank! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Chocolate Bar, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Energy Drink, a Cheeseburger, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Bandages, a Raw Weed, a Clover, a Hot Dog, a Green Egg, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Adamantium Disc, a Beer, a Cranberry Juice, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Matter Injector, a Power Ring Thingy, a Cotton Candy, a Blue Ticket, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Corn, a Breadcrumbs, a Ruby Slippers, a Apple, a Candy Corn and $12,095 from their bank! You earn 3,800 EXP!


You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Adamantium Disc, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a 2012 Champagne, a Energy Drink, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Token, a Bandages, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Apple Pie, a Rolled Blunt, a Cotton Candy, a Green Beer, a 6-Pack of Water, a Lollipop, a Raspberry Candy, a Melon Candy, a Chocolate Bar, a Jelly Beans, a Blue Ticket, a Hot Dog, a Cheeseburger, a Pumpkin Pie, a Peanuts, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Beer, a Tennis Racket, a Big Zombie Bone, a Glass Bottle, a Candy Corn, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Breadcrumbs, a Zombie Flesh, a Large Bottle of Water, a Cherry, a Pie Crust, a Dead Duck and $102,149 from their bank! You earn 3,800 EXP

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Raw Weed, a Health Shake, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Adamantium Disc, a Hot Dog, a Something Old, a Bottle of Water, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Flim Flam, a Flux Capacitor, a Green Egg, a Bandages, a Ruby Slippers, a Beer, a Cotton Candy, a Popcorn, a Blue Ticket, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Apple, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple Pie, a Pumpkin Pie, a Dead Duck, a Corn, a Egg Nog, a 2012 Champagne, a Cranberry Juice, a Chocolate Bar, a Green Beer, a Melon Candy and $17,518 from their bank! You earn 3,600 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Red Bull, a Green Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Peanuts, a Cotton Candy, a Raw Weed, a Pink Egg, a Clover, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Tequila, a Lollipop, a Lime, a Salt and $417 from their bank! You earn 3,500 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Adamantium Disc, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Flux Capacitor, a 2012 Champagne, a Energy Drink, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Token, a Bandages, a Health Shake, a Red Bull, a Apple Pie, a Ruby Slippers, a Rolled Blunt, a Cotton Candy, a Green Beer, a 6-Pack of Water, a Lollipop, a Raspberry Candy, a Melon Candy, a Chocolate Bar, a Jelly Beans, a Blue Ticket, a Hot Dog, a Cheeseburger, a Pumpkin Pie, a Peanuts, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Beer, a Tennis Racket, a Big Zombie Bone, a Glass Bottle, a Candy Corn, a Raw Weed, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Copper Triverp, a Wooden Plank, a Apple, a Goggles, a Lime, a Passport, a Breadcrumbs, a Metal Scraps, a Zombie Flesh, a Rag, a Large Bottle of Water, a Cherry, a Pie Crust, a Salt, a Dead Chicken, a Dead Duck, a 2013 Champagne and $93,380 from their bank! You earn 3,700 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Raw Weed, a Health Shake, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Adamantium Disc, a Hot Dog, a Something Old, a Bottle of Water, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Flim Flam, a Flux Capacitor, a Green Egg, a Bandages, a Ruby Slippers, a Beer, a Pink Egg, a Cotton Candy, a Popcorn, a Blue Ticket, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Apple, a Breadcrumbs, a Apple Pie, a Pumpkin Pie, a Dead Duck, a Corn, a Egg Nog, a 2012 Champagne, a Cranberry Juice, a Chocolate Bar, a Green Beer, a Melon Candy, a Red Bull and $15,925 from their bank! You earn 3,500 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Golden Ticket, a Hard Disk, a Adamantium Disc, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Token, a Blue Ticket, a Salt, a Wig, a Nails, a Breadcrumbs, a Power Ring Thingy, a Copper Triverp, a Lime, a Cherry, a Apple, a Handle, a Matter Injector, a Goggles, a Pie Crust, a Zombie Flesh, a Voodoo Beads, a Rag, a Big Zombie Bone, a Matches, a Sports Ticket, a Bronze Medal! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Golden Ticket, a Passport, a Hard Disk, a Adamantium Disc, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Something Old, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Token, a Blue Ticket, a Salt, a Wig, a Balloon Animal, a Swimsuit, a Lollipop, a Nails, a Breadcrumbs, a Power Ring Thingy, a Copper Triverp, a Lime, a Corn, a Cherry, a Apple, a Handle, a Matter Injector, a Goggles, a Tennis Racket, a Wood Scraps, a Gold Medal, a Pie Crust, a Zombie Flesh, a Metal Scraps, a Voodoo Beads, a Fake Antlers, a Rag, a Big Zombie Bone, a Matches, a Pumpkin, a Sports Ticket, a Bronze Medal! You earn 3,200 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bandages, a Apple Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Red Bull, a Green Egg, a Cranberry Juice, a Peanuts, a Cotton Candy, a Raw Weed, a Pink Egg, a Clover, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Tequila, a Lollipop, a Lime, a Salt and $1,369 from their bank! You earn 3,500 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Bandages, a Cheeseburger, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Hot Dog, a Energy Drink, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Chocolate Bar, a RAM Chip, a Red Bull, a Health Shake, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Copper Triverp, a Something New, a Something Old, a Power Ring Thingy, a Beer, a Golden Ticket, a Token, a Breadcrumbs, a Wooden Plank, a Nails, a Motherboard, a Raw Weed, a Egg Nog, a Pie Crust, a Pumpkin Pie, a Cherry Pie, a Handle, a Salt, a Lime, a G-String, a Tequila, a Ruby Slippers, a Clover, a Sports Ticket, a Passport and $33,591 from their bank! You earn 3,100 EXP!

Training like oldschool



That's it ppl lets not get too nosy eh??? 