PsychoSteve's million dollar challenge
thanks bro!!
Oi PsychoSteve how about an In & Out 4 x 4 race
Between now and Sunday night, I will be posting a series of random questions and challenges. Points will be handed out according to my own crazy rules, and at the end of the competition, the winner will receive 20mil game cash, 5000 eds, or a combination of your choosing.
Also, when there's a string on the ground that your vacuum just won't get, why does everyone pick it up, look at it, then put it back on the ground to give the vacuum another chance? That's not the first question, I'm just wondering.
good shit steve..i'm ready:) far as the string/vacuum dilemma,i'll ask the maid what she does and why:)lol
Because we pay good money for these vaccuums and we want to get our moneys worth..And we are amazed by them??
Good 1 POG
Question the first. one point for the first right answer
What is Jimmy Dean's product of the week?
Country Breakfast Casserole