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SkinheadBill's Rap Sheet

Level 10
Health:   10,190/10,190
Cash: $0
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:

Lodge Code of Conduct 
1) It is the duty of every mason to look out for his fellow masons above everyone else.
2) No Scammer, Snipers, Cell Raiders, and Muggers
3) No Unprovoked Attacks, Mugs, and Raids Retaliation is okay.
4) Always report to your Grand Master when you log on to find out what’s happening.
5) Train, Train, and Train Excluding Maxed out Runners
6) Help out the community, if there’s a group raid on a Scammer then help out. If there’s a Hit on the Hitlist of a known Snipers then “Get ‘Er Done” Whatever it is as long as it helps the community.
7) Research and Knowledge, need to find something out, the forums are a good source, as is Wiki, but don’t forget to ask your Brothers for help.
8) Trust Honor Respect
Mission of the Masons
“Masonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. It is a body of knowledge and a system of ethics based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity.”

Skinhead Bill Personal Section
F*ck looks like I'm a fresh cut again.....
I hate not having boots, bombers, bleachers, 'n braces in here..........
Prison Events
12/24/2010 8:35am
thisisretarded attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 46 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.     
SUCCESS! You fuck like you've never fucked before and get paid handsomely for it!
You got $1,300 and gained 1,089 experience!
SUCCESS! You fuck like you've never fucked before and get paid handsomely for it!
You got $855 and gained 491 experience! 
FAILED! Let's just say the customer wasn't happy...
                   (I hate when this happens, need Viagra)
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $2,100 along with 5 Large Bottle of Water! 
Oi 7162,
Here's you're boy Szary back.
(Skinhead Bill throws a bruised and battered Szary to floor in front of 7162's feet)      I caught him breaking into my cell. I got no beef with you or your gang so I'm returning him to you. Have a nice day.
(Skinhead Bill walks off)

SkinheadBill (lvl 7) said on 12.08.2010 @ 6:48PM To KennethFuller  (lvl 1) after he tried to mug SkinHead Bill:
Fresh Meat next time but careful who you attack in the shower.
Skinhead Bill throws a Naked Kenneth Fuller out of the shower room and into the hall were the other inmates laugh. 

Bonehead - a Skinhead that has done time in prison and is usually still connected to the ultra right wing but not always varys from Bonehead to Bonehead and depends on parole terms.  

SHARPS - SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice. Skinheads who oppose neo-Nazis and other political racists. Not Racist but tend to act like their right wing counter parts, by constantly fighting with each other. Also they join the counter protestors at Neo Nazi rallies and other public displays.  Due to Left Wing Politics they tend to be disorganized and suffer for lots of infighting.

Traditional Skinhead (Trads) - a skinhead who is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, and then spread to other parts of the world. Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads, the first skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican) rude boys and British mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle. Originally, the skinhead subculture was primarily based on those elements, not politics or race.
Trads are a return to the roots of Skinheadism but with Punk and OI added to their musical tastes. Basically they're sick of the scene dividing itself between the far left and the far right and don't to care to take sides.

White Power Skinheads (Nazis) – are a white supremacist and anti-semitic offshoot of the Skinhead Subculture.  WP Skins started in the late 1970’s when the National Front in the UK recruited many young Skins during the economic slow down.  As Punk, Oi, and Two Tone found its way into Skinhead subculture.  The Moment soon spread to the United States and the rest of the world.  WP Skinheads are more organized, because of this, the mainstream media began to label the whole Skinhead identity as Neo-Nazi. 

When Things Got Too Crazy with the cops I suggested to Timmy Penn that we got to college, but he just laughed and said SkinHeads were Working Class for Life"
- Alex Verdi  American Skin   

"They're Gonna Come When You're Not Ready      When You're Not Too Well - Prepared       They're Gonna Prey Upon Your Weakness      No Man's Soul Is Ever Spared     You've Got To Stand Up, Yeah, And Fight Them     Show Them What It's All About      This Man Is Not For Sale      There Will Be No Backing Down"     - The Gauntlet     By The Dropkick Murphys
Favorite Books:        American Skin            by Don De Grazia
                                    Clarkson On Cars     by Jeremy Clarkson
                                    World War Z                by Max Brooks    
  Back Story   
Out on the streets of Crime City, Skinhead Bill and his Pack of Trads ruled their North Side turf.  Being Skins most of the Pack had jobs on Pier 13 and worked as bouncers on the side in the Club District.  Skinhead Bill was working overtime driving a standup/reach forklift when the foreman an old Skin came out white as a sheet and yells over the machines, “Oi, Skin Bill………..  OI! SKINHEAD BILL!  (Bill drives over to the foreman) Skin Bill, Ranger Skin just called. 
Johnny Moronic’s Punk Club had been attacked by the Mafia.”
The foreman motions for SH Bill to step off the forklift; he leads him to the Shipping Office and seats him down on the couch. “Skinhead Bill…. I don’t know how to tell you this, but Boots, PassAFist, Skinhead Mike, Chase, and your brother Tank were killed…… Oi, where ya goin’ …….  Don’t do anything rash…… OI, at least wait for the boys he’s our Alpha Skin ……..we’ll get the bastards. Oi… OI… OI……”
Skinhead ran out of the office and off the docks.  He jumped on the D Train across Crime City to the house that he and five Skinheads shared.
Down in the basement behind the amps and well worn drum kit, Skinhead Bill pulls out the cache of weapons he and Skin Brothers had built up. Guns strapped and loaded Skinhead Bill is going after the bastards.
Skinhead Bill goes upstairs into his brother’s room and looks around.  He grabs the family photo with his Dad in his Gulf War uniform, his Mom is holding him, and 8 year old Tank is at their father’s side. It was the last time they were all together. Skinhead Bill, “Oi Mom after Dad got killed I know you told us to take care of each other, and to turn the other cheek.  But I can’t.  You’re gone…
Now Tank is gone……..  My Skin Brothers are gone….  I miss and love you Mom. Dad I never got to know you but Tank taught me everything you taught him.  Tank I, fuck I never told you but I love you. Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK I WILL STAND UP AND FIGHT. THOSE BASTARDS AIN’T GONNA GIT AWAY WITH IT! TANK I WILL MAKE IT RIGHT.” 
Skinhead Bill takes the photo out of the frame and grabs another photo tacked to the wall of his Pack last summer at the Street Dogs show in Monument Park.  The memory of that day is now bitter and dark, tainted by the deaths of the young men smiling in it.
Skinhead Bill walks across the hall to his room and realize he is in work clothes.  He strips off everything and throws his dirty clothes into the corner.  After opening the closet he puts on his favorite Navy Blue Fred Perry with White piping.   Off another hanger SH Bill grabs a neatly pressed pair of bleachers and puts them on. He grabs a pair of socks and his best oxblood red Docs and carefully laces them.  He tucks the photos carefully into his boots and gives them a quick shine.   Skinhead Bill is about to grab a pair of braces off his dresser.  He stops runs over to Tank’s room and dons Tanks Green Braces.  He returns to his room checks himself in the mirror and after making sure his Braces are straight.  He hangs them down off his sides.
Skinhead Bill is walking back to the station when an F-150 pulls up.  Ranger Skin and two other Skins from the Docks arrive.
Ranger Skin: Oi, Skin Bill…….  OI SKIN BILL…… OI
Skin Bill: What?
Ranger Skin:  Oi Skin Bill where you going?
Skin Bill:  Our Brothers are dead. I’m going to get the bastards.
Ranger Skin: Wait up Skin Bill. We’re with you the bastards are in the Red Light District.   Big J is working the door at the Landing Strip one of the girls told him the Mafia is there and bragging how they wasted a bunch of bald headed fucks.
Skin Bill: Let’s fuckin’ roll.
Red Light District
The Skinheads parked two stolen vans at the ends of the alley next to the club blocking the Mafias’ cars in.  Big J knew what was going down and had most of the girls lure the Mafia into one big VIP Room.  The Skins slide in the side door and positioned themselves opposite each.  The girls slowly slide out as the Mafia watched one of them perform a special dance.  She finished the number by walking out the door.  The drunken Mafia didn’t realize what hit them until it was too late.   Guns blazing the Skins rushed in shooting everyone.  At the sound of gun fire the patrons in the Landing Strip ran out as the manager not in on the attack pulled the alarms.  
The two Dock Skins ran out and got away in one of the vans.  Ranger Skin was running ahead of Skinhead Bill when the mens’ room door flew open, knocking Skinhead Bill to the ground.  Three Mafia quickly charged and started beating Skinhead Bill.  Ranger Skin manages to shoot one of the Mafia goons in the head.  The other Goon draws a knife and charges at Ranger Skin before he can get another shot off.  Ranger Skin and the Goon roll into the alley.  Skinhead Bill kicks out the Mafia Sniper’s legs and knocks him down.  The grapple each other on the ground, luck for Skinhead Bill the Sniper is not good at bar fighting and drunk.  Skinhead Bill gets on his feet and boots the Sniper.  He pissed and filled with vengeance.   Skinhead Bill screams as his steal toe boots smash the Sniper’s head in.  He is so blinded by rage that his voice is raspy and soon falls silent.  The sound of boots hitting a dead body over and over again echoes through the silent club.  Skinhead Bill keeps bootin’ the Sniper over and over, until a bloody hand falls on his shoulder.  Skinhead Bill is slowly turned around as his heart races…..
Ranger Skin tells him its time to go. They’re bloody, bruised, and tired.  Ranger Skin is limping so he tells Skinhead Bill to run before Crime City PD gets here.  Skinhead Bill says fuck that Skins stay together. Ranger Skin is badly injured and leans on SH Bill’s shoulder.  They limp out into the alley when a bright light shines on them.
After getting busted in Crime City, Skinhead Bill and Ranger Skin are place in a hospital jail.  The DA was out for blood and asked for the death penalty.  She even managed to slap hate crime chargers and convinced the jury they were Nazis.  Ranger Skin was pissed since he’s half Latino and Skinhead Bill is pissed that their crappy PD didn’t even argue the hate crime chargers or do a good job defending them.  The jury on the other hand couldn’t decide who was more evil, but in the end they figured at least they could show a little mercy for getting rid of some Mafia.  The Verdict is Guilty.
Life without Parole
After sentencing Skinhead Bill said good by to Ranger Skin they knew they might not see each ever again.  On the bus to Jersey Skinhead Bill looks out the window and realizes his Pack is scattered to the wind.  Big J and the two Dock Skins headed out to the West Coast.  Skinhead Bill tried to take all the heat even claiming that he is the Alpha Skin and forced Ranger, but they still put a lot of heat on Ranger Skin.  They are both thankful that at least three of the Pack is still running and can probably find another Traditional Pack to join.  Skinhead Bill starts thinking about his dead brothers; at least they can rest knowing their killers are dead.
Tank I got the bastards……..
Skinhead Bill: Fuck I’m in Jersey, alone.  Walking in the halls the blacks look at me with hate in there eyes.  Shit I don’t got nothing against them, but fuck I probably look like a Nazi. 
Covered with Traditional Skin and Oi tats the inmates assumed Skinhead Bill is a Nazi. He found himself fighting for survival. The first Day he got jumped five times.  Skinhead Bill is was still weak from his hospital stay so he knows he’s fucked until he can regain his strength.  On Day One the only people who would talk to him were the Aryan Brotherhood.  During the night his cell mate tried to rape him. But Skinhead Bill was ready for it.  He sends him to the infirmary and the Warden moves him to a solitary cell in the Lifers section. 
Upon hearing the news a Hit is placed on Skinhead Bill and he is shanked in the showers, beat in the cafeteria, jumped in block nine, and rolled in the yard.  Skinhead Bill has knows it’s bad, but he just takes and workout more when he isn’t in the Infirmary.  The Aryan Brotherhood comes around again and asks him if he needs help.
Skinhead Bill asks himself what to do, hang himself or survive?  What would Tank or his Dad do?
So Skinheads Bill joins Aryan Brotherhood.  The first thing they do is take Skinhead Bill to see the Tattooist.  The big Aryan tattooist tells Skinhead Bill to take off his shirt and pants.  They look over his tats.

The Aryan Tattooist says, “Damn Brother ya need lots of fuckin’ help.  This f*ggy ass punk shit needs to go. A couple of SS bolts will fix dat.  OI like the crucified skin but it needs a Swastika.  Dat the names of deceased blood, Ya  can keep it.  The Reducers SF, haven’t heard of them. Skrewdriver ought to cover up that nicely.  The American Flag can stay so can the Fred Perry symbol but we’ll put our symbol in the middle of it. What the fuck are you doing with a Dropkick Murphys Tat, you a potato n*gger.      Half Irish and half German, well better than a ...............    We’ll cover that up. Your brother did that.   Last tat he ever did, what the fuck happened....... Shit.      No shit.       No Shit.        Sorry Brother I didn’t know.      Fuck them Race Traitors attackin’ decent White Folk.     Fuck that bitch DA, death penality my ass.  Dats self defense.  Ya Dat can stay.  Dat your old wolfpack, we’ll put our colors over it.” 
The buzz of the needle reminds Skinhead Bill of the first tat he got when he was 16; his father’s name.  As the Aryan Tattooist went to work Skinhead Bill felt like he was watching his past get buried.  Skinhead Bill noted that the Aryan Tattooist was good.  Even with crude cell made ink and needles the artwork was good enough to be shop ink.  As the day wore on each memory was erased from his skin, Skinhead Bill kept reminiscing. 
When the Aryan Tattooist got to the Reducers SF Tat, Skinhead Bill remembered how he earned that Tat.  When Skinhead Bill was young he was more of a SHARP then a Traditional Skin.  After a play off game he got into a fight with a Bonehead. They were arguing over Crime City vs Boston in the Championships and one thing led to another.  Skinhead Bill took the Bonehead on alone and left him bloody on the curb.  What the Bonehead yelled as they walked away echoed like a curse, “You’re fucked, ya punk ass bitch.  You ain’t a Skin. When they f*ckin bust ya. You're f*cked, Ya stupid, f*ckin, n*gger lover, you'll end up in prison and then learn the truth. Ya ’ll be just like me."   

  Time passes and Skinhead Bill runs goods on the side for awhile. The Warden in Jersey decides to ban his ass for illegal trade and he is sent to Putnam.  Skinhead Bill is curious to see what Arizona is like so he transfers there.  It did not go well (see forum). 

Skinhead Bill was the only person on the bus back to Putnam. Bruised, Battered, and Arm in a Sling he started wondering what the fuck did he get himself into. He started to think about the beat down in the yard. He expected an attack from the blacks, but who was the man with the bow tie? Who was the Long Timer with Confederate Flags and motorcycle tatoos. What's their story?
Seeing his reflection in the window he wondered what the fuck. He doesn't reconize the man staring back at him. His old tats are gone. His eyes are colder and duller, not like the kid on streets that he once was. He sees there are more lines around the eyes. He touches the bandages on his face and knows he'll have a nasty scar there.
Fuck. He'd punch the wall but his other arm is restrained to the seat.
Skinhead Bill looks at the reflection in the window and asks himself now what are you going to do?
The reflection doesn't answer but stares back at him with cold dead blue eyes.  

Skinhead Bill has quit the Aryan Brotherhood.   
 Mr White,
Sir, I withdraw my membership to the Aryan Brotherhood. I'm not a Nazi and I don't believe in the cause. At heart I'm a Traditional Skin and I cannot keep supporting something that I don't believe.
Thank You,
Mr White for watching over me while I was weak, but I need to move on.
Good Luck and Thank You,
Skinhead Bill
MrWhite said on 12.13.2010 @ 2:54PM:
i understand. the only cause this is, is to have a white seperatist gang i have different ideas then most of the guys in the gang but no matter our disagreements we all want the same thing white seperation and pride. if thats not what u want so be it, but i wish ya the best of luck and let me know if you need anything 

In Memory of...............
EmmettDani said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:45PM:
No Problem keep it Trad brother from one old skin to another. No matter how much hairy you grow no matter if you hang up your boots and braces you know deep down that you will always been a skinhead. Peace. S.H.A.R.P. For Life.
SkinheadBill said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:44PM:
Thank You,
I'm a little shocked. But what ever you end up doing have fun and Be Safe.
EmmettDani said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:41PM:
Im really not a big fan of this game anymore and I dont have the time to dick with it you know? So i figured somebody else would like to have some free stuff so why not.
SkinheadBill said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:40PM:
Sure but why?
EmmettDani said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:38PM:
If your a trad thats great im not playing on here anymore and im giving up all my shit to a deserving player you down for some christmas gifts?
SkinheadBill said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:37PM:
Trad, well I was on the outside in here I'm with the Nazi. There the only one who would watch my back. (Traditional the defs are on my profile after the long back story)
(As Gamer behind character: Yes I stumbled across it on face book saw the AD while playing Crime City but don't want to link this back to my facebook account)
EmmettDani said on 12.10.2010 @ 5:31PM:
What type of skinhead are you? And do you get on here alot? 