Notice - Player personal information
Here at PrisonBlock, we respect the privacy of players who prefer to play anonymously.
Our policy is that any player who posts the personal information of another player (home address, real name, phone number, etc) is subject to be banned.
This is a reminder, for anyone who may have forgotten about this.
Do not share the personal information of others.
EDIT: I posted a clarification at the end of this thread about something, since it keeps coming up.
It's also worth mentioning, if you don't want people knowing smaller things, such as birthday, don't volunteer them!
Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

Thank you very much for clarifying this Ajja. Too many people have been trying to bring up real life issues to get to someone they don't like. Just uncalled for.

Question, Lets say for example I happen to stumble across Melyssa's Twitter And I later message her Complementing her on her looks could that get me banned? (Not the only one who has this question)

:sigh: Are we going to have to close this before anyone adds anything productive?
I think I was pretty clear what I meant by 'posting player personal information.'

Okay say that in the ShoutBox someone asks me my real name but someone answers for me...Would they get banned? If I was going to answer the question anyways

Yes, that's the kind of thing a person should not do. They should not post your personal information on your behalf.
I may as well also answer: I have seen a lot of questions about PayPal, for example, if someone sends their own personal information to make a PayPal deal with someone else. I'm sure you guys understand that PrisonBlock does not run PayPal, so there is no way we can police information shared by PayPal. If you want to give your own information out to make a deal with a player, that is not the same as giving out someone else's information.
thanks Ajja

or is this a new rule?

question: me and someone are in an argument and i call them gay or retard or lala's new one... returd, would this get me banned as personal information?