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Notice - Player personal information

12 years ago  #41
Level 6
Status: offline
Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 13 years, 27 days
Posts: 299

Yup, I think we can close now then.

12 years ago  #42
Level 6
Status: offline
Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 13 years, 27 days
Posts: 299


Hey, guys. Since I made this post, there's a certain type of report I get, usually in my inbox. It goes something like this.

Player 1: Yo momma's so fat, when she eats cake she has to use a shovel!

Player 2: Why, my heavens! My momma really IS fat! That's my personal information! I had better go tattle to Ajja!!

This has gotten a little out of hand to me. This is not the "someone said something vague but mean about me, so I will try to get them banned on a technicality" policy. This policy is not designed to prevent any kind of sass or ribbing players will do to each other, within reasonable bounds. Similarly, this policy is not designed to prevent you from saying Happy Birthday to your friends or saying hello to people whose first names you may already know, which they have volunteered.

This policy is designed to prevent real world actual hurtful information. It is designed to prevent "internet detective" stuff, "I'm coming to your house to beat you up" stuff. That is the stuff that is obviously out of bounds.

I know that I have instructed you to report if people share this information, but I would not like to see any more "crying wolf" about this kind of thing. Please save reports for serious situations if you want the staff to take them seriously. I was very careful about the language I chose in the original post: "subject to be banned," not "promised to be banned."

Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago


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