[EVENT] Earth Day 2020 Cleanup
Great event and new prison thanks a lot,
when is the event going to be over?
Event will likely end Sunday night or Monday morning. You won't be able to stay in Arbour Hill, but the prison will return during the next Open Prisons
For good?
Great event prison and everything I dig it Mu!
I noticed the Hitlist time to expire clocks are all saying 0 seconds of u didn’t already know
Alright,get your final training in. This will wrap up tomorrow morning and everyone will be booted from Ireland
thx mu, i enjoyed the event and the new prison!! do the people on the top recyclers list get anything?
You get a special highlighted “Trashman” tag on your rap sheet next too your name!
I liked the fact we can buy hard to get amens from wardens office I'd like to see new stuff introduced to wardens office on open prison day like bloodshot, trolls omibods etc that can be located at any given prison this would give guys chance to get these amens and incentive to purchase favs