what music did you listen to today
my bad ill correct myself, "Im fuckin with this shit right now" yes nigga my name is colin, we all kno this come up with somthing new maybe go fake out some more messages like u tried with smash cuz everyone thinks ur a goof
colin...STOP sayin nigga...ur white
again go back 2 ur expose post and read the discussion i have better yet go listen 2 the song white nigger by ill bill, oh wait my bad them raps aint weak like urs so u might not pick up the concept in it
yo here u go zuma now educate ur self on somthing
again go back 2 ur expose post and read the discussion i have better yet go listen 2 the song white nigger by ill bill, oh wait my bad them raps aint weak like urs so u might not pick up the concept in it
i dont care about ur song colin..ur white....VERRY white...stop sayin nigga
again this is no secret and u cant tell me what the fuck 2 say who the fuck is u u some goof ass nigga in this game no one likes, u talkin bout white ppl sayin nigga then u should be gettin at the mexicans and asians that say it 2 whats ur excuse 4 them, stupid goof lmao
again this is no secret and u cant tell me what the fuck 2 say who the fuck is u u some goof ass nigga in this game no one likes, u talkin bout white ppl sayin nigga then u should be gettin at the mexicans and asians that say it 2 whats ur excuse 4 them, stupid goof lmao
relax collin....ur imagination is runnin wild...u think ur black...u think ur hood...you think u grew up in the ghetto....how lame
yeh cuz u kno my life homie lmao i mean shit u doin all this research on me, i dont think im black, i kno im white u dumb fuck i dont think im hood i kno im hood homie i kno where i grew up 2, like i said if u ever been 2 canada or no ppl from there ask about edmonton and the northside of it watch the answers ull get matter fact didnt u say ur from new york, its funny how many ppl from new york come 2 edmonton maybe u should ask around, i think u just mad is all homie u mad cuz i made fun of ur bitch ass stats and first u said i had no life cuz i play this shit on my phone, but u got a life lookin up niggas pics and postin them? my bad thats the real life 2 have ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha u should just quit talkin homie ull get another hit put on u cuz ur a goof
Yo you guys should keep it in one thread atleast.
i thought this was done but he still on that, "im tryna act black shit again" u cant act a color this dudes one of them ignorant ppl if we really wanna get in2 it, zuma didnt u just say u have rican and half black, so if u half, why is it even conserning u u aint a full black if u really wanna get on some race acting type shit, but thats just stupid as fuck