what movie did you watch today

Rewatched Kingdom of Heaven last night and finished up The Assassination of Jesse James today.
Kingdom of Heaven was alright, I don't know how I feel about Orlando Bloom ever being the lead in a movie. He's not a terrible actor, it's just that most of his characters seem a bit dull. I found myself liking some of the side characters like Saladin and Baldwin IV more. Ridley Scott knows how to throw together battle sequences and the siege of Jerusalem is no exception, that alone can compensate for the somewhat lengthy feeling middle. If you got three hours to spare, KoH wouldn't be the worst way to spend it.
Assassination of Jesse James; I don' think I can write a better endorsement for this movie than by just posting a clip of it. Go out and pick this up today if you can.

best movie i've seen in awhile

Excellent movie for all you Nordic fans, gory as fuck

id still let cameron diaz sit on my face anyday

damn straight zawnn, see her in the car wash scene in Bad Teacher damnnn