what movie did you watch today

A bit of a mindfucker but not to bad..

sky blue

so watched this last night, then saw cars 2 for my nephew's 4th birthday party today. kind of hard to relate to all the parents complaining about the violence in cars when you saw that 12 hours earlier

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 violence

saw machete a months ago, only thing i remember from the movie is thenaked girl on the bed at the beginning of the movie..O_O

women + bed

haha, went to IMDB to check it up.. found this on the third page:

deadhead86 can go fuck himself
so can thqat guyt that smacked me in my lip. fuck you

good movie, awesome violence... maybe cartoon violence doesn't even register when you don't have kids of your own though. was more concerned with my younger nephew spilling his sippy cup in my lap. nobody likes to look like they pissed themselves