lvl of weapons?
how can u tell the lvl of the weapon in open market? im sick of buying them just to find out i cant use them...
go over the item and it should come up or else go to the armour shop before you go into the open market. This then tells you the level required but if they dont sell an item youve seen then the chances are you get them in the next prison and you need to be a higher level hope this helps
yea i was tryn to find out the lvl of stuff i cant see in shops. thanks for the info owen. btw when do u become respected?
You have to Buy the respected prisoner or sign up to offers but read carefully the terms and conditions
Demon, correct you're grammar, you will get the piss taken out of you if you type like a retard.
Damn! Beat me to it. But I'm also going to point out that that's a run-on sentence.
A good rule of thumb is - if it is not available at the weapon or armor store at the prison you are in, you probably cannot use it.
Actually, yeah. Yeah you are. Haha.