What can u make?
Nick is the man, get at him for some good art. He mad me one for 200 including shipping, mine was pretty detailed and took many hours though. Good idea for Christmas gifts etc or spoil yourself with one
almost deer season.. this weekend.. yay
you got skills hoime
you got skills hoime
thanks man
here is a better idea of what its gonna be. hes rubbing on a tree, why he has a funny face
That's dope. You're talented, and a fucking magician if self taught
thanks man. i wish i would have taken more art in school. but the teacher was wierd. been woodburning about a year now and its amazing my first one to this one even to me.. gonna suck but im giving this one away tonight to catch a dream...basically the make a wish for kids who want to go hunting and fishing. took about 60 hours. im not happy with the tree but i just ran out of time.
Wicked pic man. You are very talented. Good work
Thanks squid..it raised $490 at auction for charities!..couldnt be happier..way more than i would have priced it at..lol