W00T! First thread bitches!
We definitely need more elements in the avatar maker. Most of us look the same
I agree. I think you should have a tatoo maker, perhaps.... Simple little paint prog. addition to allow users to make custom w/e's. Also if you just had more hair color/eye color variations.. that would be totally awesome aswell.
Oh, Mufasa Im no hoe.
Well... maybe a little.
Damn you!
Testing quotes
Quoting your quote... shouldn't double-nest
quote of your quote. Nested bitch!
Can I triple quote?
random line here
Testing quotes
random line here
Testing quotes
Only if I can quadruple post UNDER that bitch!
One more for the fuck of it
random line here
Testing quotes
Only if I can quadruple post UNDER that bitch!
Testing a long post and post redirect...
random line here
Testing quotes
Only if I can quadruple post UNDER that bitch!