The Simple Noobs Guide To Earning Money & Playing The Game
You can be any level to attempt it
You just require 8 NRV
Here is a link to a simple crime guide
If you have any other questions, try searching the forum using the search function.
Most questions you may have, have most likely already been answered
@Redlines and jhay please read my guide if its not there then please use KEY words from what you need to know and search the forum. If those dont work then read the WIKI if last you can not find it anywhere make a new post.
@Redlines once a bank is opened in each prison you dont need to open it again.
@jhay please go read the NEW JERSEY crime guide it tells you everything you need to know
now silly questions these are 2 look around guys its here

Read the Guide i made dont ask peoplefor money you stupid punk new im gonna use all theese tips..

I have 20 speed and successfully raid the closet 1/2 the time
Great Tony and your point is ?

have hgih speed...