TGIF Hot Babes for Cash (NJ & SQ) - $100K for FREE!

Outside my hotel in Belize

Underboob rocks! Me and Sabrina Jane, modeling for my first company:
I'm the one (douche) in the red, for all you idiots out there.

oh ok thanks... i was wondering
is there any alternative options for new players who cant copy n paste images url using internet explorer???
could really use the 100k, new fish you know

you're not supposed to copy and paste the actual image itself, just the url to the image inside of the [ i m g ] tags. Just cuz you're new to the game doesn't make it alright to be a noob to the computer :P
Go to the first post and read what I wrote again, and try posting the image for your $100k.

yes i did read yr first post... i tried to copy this url of a model , but it didnt work. Im using internet explorer and i dont believe you copy an url of an image thats why i asking for an alternatives becuz i want to particpate too
you see i told you Joe

then to get the address in IE, right-click the picture, then click "Properties", and the address will be in the section called "Address".

please check the link(SUPER HOTT GREENBAY PACKER FAN):
so does this count? Am i still eligible? do i get a prize