TGIF Hot Babes for Cash (NJ & SQ) - $100K for FREE!

Aight. Let's start a hot babe thread.
For any noob that posts a pic of a hot chick (no porn), they will receive $100k from me.
Rules? Only post on Fridays, and you can only post one pic a week. You must be a noob (NJ or SQ).
How do you post a pic? Easy. Find a picture on the internet, right click, and "Copy Image URL" or "Copy Image Location" or "Copy Image Address"... Then come in here, and in the reply box, type [*img]Ctrl + V[/im*g] (remove the asterisk) and you're all set!
Have fun, and I'll start it off:

Wonderful idea Joe... I'll definitely be subscribing to this thread lol

Need Motivation?

Joe, quick clarification. Do you care if other levels post ? I know they arent eligible for prize, i was just wondering.

go right ahead; I was just wanting to hook up noobs, but feel free to post your best

You've sent BadLandBanga215 $100,000 and were charged a 5% fee

Thank you kind sir lol
just to get this going (i know im not a noob but shes super HOT!!!!