Splizzlah's Pet Pigeon, Introduced Nicely
u are one weird mother fucker
Thanks yo, I'm really into Birds. Hard to beleive that a Pigeon is my overall favorite type of bird. Maybe just because he wud fly home if i let him outside, Really neat how they do that, I had my pet doves actually live free in my backyard, Rare that a Dove would actually claim my backyard as there home, They kicked out all the Robins and any other dove that landed in the backyard lol. And they'd fly back inside the coop at night. These are Doves. Pigeons just fly in and out whenever, These doves claimed the whole backyard . Those were some cool times, I dont got any live coop anymore its all empty and cleaned out
wheres my shotgun....
Lol my mind was like wtf was going on here...
Was search for a pet thread as I swear there used to be one 🧐