[Selling] Favors/Items/GC {Paypal}~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (v7)
Turns out this abuse has been getting to poor ole demo so I'd just like to say from everyone here at DOB and a few others, laughed at. If you can't handle the heat get someone better than v to fight your battles. He's no use at it.
Bump for the demo. Poor fella needs a hug or a hero, apply here.
All heros must be players, and be gullible. Good luck

Bum p

Bump, i said no gerkings not extra you knob stick
Can I have a sausage and egg mc muffin please dem and are you sure you allowed to work in a place that children eat?

How's that McDonald's lobster roll selling in your armpit of the world DEM????

Make sure he sends first....quitters have a bad habit of scamming peeps.

Don't come running to DOB when you get scamed, you've been warned