[Selling] Favors/Items/GC {Paypal}~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (v7)

Wow Black Fuck, now the licking balls and calling with real names make things quite clear haan

Hey Demodick post another Hit will ya
Level 14, Arizona
Poster: DemOlition [DR]
Bounty: $5,000,001 for 5 hours in the infirmary while online
Terms: Bounty will be split by top 3 contractors
Time Left: 22 hours, 47 minutes
Time is near to an end.


110 Favors = $10
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $8)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

Guys message me for a reasonable deals.
110 favors for 7$
40k eds for 10$
2k blunts for 1$

110 Favors = $10
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $8)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $10
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $8)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 favors for 7$
40k eds for 10$
2k blunts for 1$

110 Favors = $10
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $8)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $10
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $8)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)