[Selling] Favors/Items/GC {Paypal}~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (v7)

Sell me them favs now dem
i will go first , so be sure of thAT look how pissed u are with the "whore" your no 1 to judge you scum bag low life prick

110 Favors = $12
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
6m cash =$1
(or 30m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)


Buy them from the scammer cause we ended her game and she needs to sell up ^^

lol he just mad cus i wont allow him to load his training cell when i am online buy favs from me i go first and sell lot cheaper

stupid hoe lol ill switch whenever i want and theres nothing you can do to stop anyone of us, keep living in that imaginary world of yours
and lets be honest, you just came in here to talk to me, youre getting lonely and sad

switch then ya cunt , make sure im online as well lets see you try your all ready falling of that trainers list, i hope booger pass you he deserves it no doubt player of the year wish i voted for him instead of been stuck up your ass at the time

haha sewerjuice mad

ooo yah so mad i am soo soo fucking mad wooooo