[Selling] Favors/Items/GC {Paypal}~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (v7)

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

STOP spamming the game with your bullshit THE WARDEN has favs and items for people they/we dont need you doing this crap. No wonder staff gave up on prisonblock u suck bro and im not trolling im just being honest here

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

Leeching the game until it can no longer be leeched is a pure fucking act of desperation nigga should just be honest....... He broke..... But he willing to click for it.... #makinalivinclickin
Even sircrackhead has a job mayne fix up