[Selling] Favors/Items/GC {Paypal}~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (v7)
anthonypowell // 03.13.2015 @ 12:06pm
Purchase complete! Dem leave my mother i bought sumfin lol 174 u bailed cuz u scared son
Cocksuckers/dick riders fucking pathetic all demo wants is the money from ur pocket if ur gon suck hos dick and pay him for the privilege ur stupider than I thought
CHI74 [DR] // 03.13.2015 @ 12:05pm
Each time he yawns I stick my dick in hes a real sucker you should try I demobitch insteada hunting for ppls money u leech
Get clickin get paid that's how he do it no Job just an online ego and a bot buy him dinner with your hard earned cash dudes a piss stained tramp he needs help buy his shit or jus donate him a cheesy burger the fat cunt loves em
This is the new feed a tramp thread to donate to a fat cunt living a lie buy his favors
DemOlition [DR] // 03.13.2015 @ 12:11pm
*no sexual intercourse with anthonys mother* anthonypowell bought 1 Caffeine Pills from you off the Open Market
Mans talkin bout yo mama and u still suck his dick wow nigga he aint fucking anyone nobody's mama nobody's sister nobody's nobody cause he clicking all day long to buy food and pretend hes successful living of the state and prisonblock
To donate and feed a piss stained tramp for a day buy 100favs to feed for a week buy 500 for a month buy 1000 please help a tramp today

*no sexual intercourse with anthonys mother* anthonypowell bought 1 Caffeine Pills from you off the Open Market
Mans talkin bout yo mama and u still suck his dick wow nigga he aint fucking anyone nobody's mama nobody's sister nobody's nobody cause he clicking all day long to buy food and pretend hes successful living of the state and prisonblock
To donate and feed a piss stained tramp for a day buy 100favs to feed for a week buy 500 for a month buy 1000 please help a tramp today
Feed a tramp today and feel good about yourself

110 Favors = $8
3000 EDs = $1
(or 30 000 EDs for $10)
9000 SWs = $1
(or 90 000 SWs for $10)
2000 Blunts =$1
8m cash =$1
(or 40m gamecash = $5)
- You send the payment as 'family & friends' (or consider it reversed)

Why do you constantly take money put the game without putting any in are you a tramp or something ???????? Do you not got a job ??????? Does this game put ur food on the table??????
Please give demo 8$ he needs the cash so damn bad its a matter of food or no food