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12 years ago  #41
Level 6
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Apparently this deal is not working out:

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:18AM:

OK send me the items we can start the deal

lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:19AM:

ill send you half of them then list the thor for 500,000 dollars

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:21AM:

no since you are my freind il take the bookcase and that dvd u got in your cel thats all

lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:21AM:

ok list the thor and then youll get dvd and bookcase

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:22AM:

no because u need to send me bookcase first wen i say goo list book case for 100k on my go ok

lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:23AM:


xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:23AM:


lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:24AM:

you got it ok when i say go list the thor for 500k

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:26AM:

no sell the dvd and then ill list thor becuase thors presicous

lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:26AM:

ok on your go

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:27AM:

wait have u got any other amens like a metal fan r any other name evry1 amen u got

lovelygirl27 said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:29AM:

dvd player,bed with a mattres,old heater,grownups

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.14.2012 @ 10:30AM:

sell me grown ups on my go

12 years ago  #42
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I dig the punchline on this one:


Eminemlover007 said on 07.18.2012 @ 3:57AM: 1000 ed's & 1000 small water. i am in putnam.

Motionz said on 07.18.2012 @ 3:56AM: Bro, Can you like divide it between SW's and ED's not just ED's? And when I come Putnam

Eminemlover007 said on 07.18.2012 @ 3:54AM: yes for all. when you can do it?

Motionz said on 07.18.2012 @ 3:37AM: So Scarface, 3 wooden chair and a tv on crate for 1500 Ed's?

Eminemlover007 said on 07.18.2012 @ 3:20AM: i will buy them all at 1500 ed's and if you check my prices you will know the price is good.

Then I sent him all my amenties

12 years ago  #43
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xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 11:52AM: wat about the 3 green unicorn pushie il pay u 8keds

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 11:53AM: not three!

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 11:53AM: well 8k eds is work 26million and its a gud offer

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 11:54AM: how much 4 yoga mat?

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 11:57AM: its only woorth 300eds if u sell me the green 3 pushie i giv u 8keds and 1k sml wtrs

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:00PM: ight tell me wen to list them

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:02PM: ok list al 3 for 1$ goooooo

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:04PM: im going to list the rest get redy

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:04PM: go

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:06PM: eds..

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:09PM: sell me a razor and a send u the eds and waters and redbul

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:13PM: na i dont want to sell razor can i have the eds and sw

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:14PM: i need 1 more amen thn yepp

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:15PM: what??!!!!! you owe me 8k eds and 1k sw!!!

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:15PM: after 1 more amens

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:16PM: why did you rob me 4?????!!! u owe meeee

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:16PM: i promise u after 1 ammen yes i giv u

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:17PM: no you said after all this then you'll give me

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:17PM: wel aftr this

king_nugz_786 said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:18PM: na give me the eds and everything or ill report you!!!!!

xPRT_DEVIL_PRO said on 07.21.2012 @ 12:19PM: wat u see yah self 1 ammen r no items

Maybe don't do deals with xPRT_DEVIL_PRO as he is now a scammers thread superstar.

12 years ago  #44
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Posts: 299

Some people are saying this thread is too hard to track, so here's a list of people complained about on this thread within the last few months (who are still playing)










No, we will not give you your stuff back if you do a deal with a scammer; just be wary and keep track.

Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

12 years ago  #45
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Long story, I'll let you guys sort this one out until someone pays someone the right amount of cash:

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:35AM:

ok 2 million

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:35AM:

i paid 5 favs for the thing

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:35AM:

1.5 million

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:34AM:


Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:32AM:


ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:31AM:

make an offer

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:30AM:

how much?

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 11:30AM:

ill sell you a real sports ticket for cash

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:35PM:


ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:35PM:

iam posting, watch the market

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:21PM:

why? i dont have 20k

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:20PM:

nevermind iam infirmed, buy me out the infirm for 20k and ill post it

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:18PM:

you dumb fucc a sport ticcet is a item

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:16PM:

its a item, not a amen you dummy

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:16PM:

ok when just keep it in your cell imma spy again

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:14PM:

i dont have the funds to post that high

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:14PM:

i dont scam how about just post it for 3 million

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:13PM:

when i get un infirmed ill post it so you can scam ok?

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:12PM:

dude im in iso and scamming i dont scam i say something imma do it

ogpeak1 said on 08.01.2012 @ 2:11PM:

oh i know your scamming btw

Monsur98 said on 08.01.2012 @ 3:52PM:

Ok first in the sb i was posting "looking to buy a sport ticcet" and me and og where ummm some what cool sooo he said monsur when i get to putnam ill give you one for free but once he got here i seen on the thread he was a scammer sooo i ask him honestly is it real or fake and he said its real then i asked how much you want for it then we debated on the price a little and came to 3 million but i told him first list it for 3 million then he said he didnt have enough cash sooo he just listed it for 100 then i told him "if its fake your only getting 10k" "if it works ill pay you your cash" but the catch was that i didnt have 3 million

EDIT: Update to this one, monsur98 tried to make good on the deal, but ogpeak1 is blocking him and can't receive the money. It is, in fact, entirely true that ogpeak is a scammer and a troll.

EDIT2: An apparently important correction:

ogpeak1 said on 10.08.2012 @ 4:11PM:

that is partially true, i did block him. not because i didnt want to recieve payment though.'

Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

12 years ago  #46
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TheBrockStar said on 08.15.2012 @ 6:32PM:

For the scammer thread

I made Summersoco 4 Banners...Worth 18k eds...She was well aware of the price, yet didn't pay up and isn't and is STILL using my pictures

Ajja said on 08.15.2012 @ 11:16PM:

You know the rules of the scammers thread by now, what was the exact conversation?

TheBrockStar said on 08.16.2012 @ 6:52AM:

It was on meebo

Ajja said on 08.16.2012 @ 9:22AM:

I'll talk to Summer.

TheBrockStar said on 08.16.2012 @ 9:23AM:

She says she is taking em down but she used em...So it is still a form of scamming isn't it?


I don't know. I guess? Don't make banners for Summer I guess.

12 years ago  #47
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Hey everyone, in case this was not enough the first two times, ogpeak1 is a scammer:

ogpeak1 said on 08.15.2012 @ 6:52PM:

3keds for the tree son

Ninga said on 08.15.2012 @ 6:55PM:

aight send dem n tell me when to post them

ogpeak1 said on 08.15.2012 @ 6:57PM:

low lvls go first. noob

Ninga said on 08.15.2012 @ 7:04PM:

u getting dem eds to me?

ogpeak1 said on 08.15.2012 @ 7:07PM:

they on the way!

Ninga said on 08.15.2012 @ 7:07PM:

aight u got any dvds u wanna trade for a turducken?


Now why anyone would do a second deal with him, even right after he did not make good on the first deal, I have no idea, but this is apparently what happened!

12 years ago  #48
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Here's another thing, about a paypal transaction

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:22PM: count to 5 then list for 200k

Mr_cassanova said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:22PM: Ok tell me wen to go, .not resonsible for snypers

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:18PM: idk man. but your in the thread and im not sending first. im not getting in an argument. i offered $10 as soon as i get the DVD. but you do not wanna send first and im sure you want find anyone else to send first or pay $10

Mr_cassanova said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:16PM: Who exacly have I scammed ?

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:15PM: man listen, i dont know you that you want scam me when you have scammed others. if you wanna do the deal and actually get my 10 bucks then just message back. im no scammer man. never have and never will

Mr_cassanova said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:13PM: Me either that was my 10th day Challenger put me up cause somebody snyped his amen, but could yu please send first, I swear on my head ill send bro

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:11PM: im an honest man bro. people wouldnt trust me to be a runner if i wasnt. i work hard for what i have man and im sure you do too. i dont cheat or scam anyone

Mr_cassanova said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:05PM: Yes bro, im im the scammers thread, but look, idk for sure if you'll send the money, talk to BlueSky or Ninga, im good now, trust me

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 7:03PM: i will man. as soon as i get the transformers DVD. some people have informed me that your in the scammers thread

Mr_cassanova said on 08.21.2012 @ 6:19PM: Ok man heres my pp (*REDACTED*)

Send as gift

Dark_Spirit said on 08.21.2012 @ 5:34PM: hey man i will pay you $10 for your transformers DVD

12 years ago  #49
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Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:58AM:

this is a form of scamming right? .

I sent some one items to get information on something and when he received the items he said nope . .

this was the convo


boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:31AM:


Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:30AM:

an u will give me screen shot proof after?? ??

boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:29AM:

Blunts first

Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:28AM:

fuck u man , i`ll get up then an come back to the yard but will u get me a screen shot then??

boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:28AM:

Then no deal

Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:21AM:

look for me to get up get dressed to go down stairs n get on my laptop with out waking my daughter up too at 5:20 am is a little more hasstle then i`d like to get in to , i wouldt give u my word and not do it boo boo . , for me to come back to the prison from the yard on ipod takes for ever u dont understand

boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:19AM:

Hell naw-you send or no deal

Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:18AM:

it`d be form of scamming otherwise . look u got my word i aint gonna lie to you ,, show me a screen shot an asoon as i get on laptop of my ipod i`ll happily send u 8 k blunts ,

boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:17AM:

How do I know you gonna pay up , send the blunts

Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:08AM:

i got 8 k blunts if u give me the name or names of those who suppose to be paying you , i wont let em find out u told me eather i`ll just say i guessed or i aint taking any chances ,


boorich100 said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:52AM:


Juice_Lucy said on 09.07.2012 @ 12:43AM:

You've sent boorich100 8,000 Rolled Blunts and were charged a $100 fee

screen shot now plz boo boo

12 years ago  #50
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Posts: 299

shafz_9 said on 09.08.2012 @ 6:54PM:

He sniped my ps3 slim i said ok ill trade for it 2 toy trains i listed one first he bought then blocked my ass

so i lost a ps3 slim and toy train

EDIT Is there apparently some kind of "picking on shafz" thing going on? Stop doing this.

shafz_9 said on 09.10.2012 @ 3:25PM:

You can not send a message to this inmate because you are blocking them or they are blocking you

I just got scammed last three bags of coals by Zazu

i listed them he bought em and i got scammed

Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago


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