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13 years ago  #31
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hokiefan said on 03.06.2012 @ 7:10PM:

sunnymoon scammer:

SunnyMoon said on 03.05.2012 @ 10:45PM:

I don't deal when im tired! check my thread ALL satisfied customers! i am no scammer i havent scammed EVER and wont ever TOMMORROW, nothing more i can say lol sorry

my noob that I'm mentoring, suspect7 sent her runner Tonywolf666 5k eds and 30k small waters for a groom doll. Tonight she told him:

Suspect7 said on 03.06.2012 @ 6:27PM:


said on 03.06.2012 @ 5:41PM:Bahahaha fuck you

12 years ago  #32
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Demhelius said on 04.04.2012 @ 9:47PM:

an addition to that scammer thread:


made 2-3 deals with him before this, but aftera agreeing on that he would pay me on thursday (1 week ago today) he started coming up with a bunch of dumb excuses.

additional info, PMs (exclude this out of the thread though, thanks. read only if interested in details.)

Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 8:55pm]

10 on sw = 60 000

10 on eds = 22 000 eds

5 on cash = 15m

give me a min

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 8:55pm]


Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 8:56pm]

and you sure u can come up with it on thursday? lol

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 8:56pm]

i got u big brother maybe sooner just depends but no later

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 8:58pm]

jc will tell ya very legit man of my word

Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 8:58pm]

alright thats cool man ill be outta town so throw the 45 whenever you can on thursday

You've sent wormdogg10 22,000 Energy Drinks, 60,000 Bottle of Waters and were charged a $100 fee

Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 8:59pm]

yeah i know the fella hes a good dude

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 8:59pm]

will do prolly be morning unless they work me in that case will be after work i get off at 330 get home at 430

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 9:01pm]

hes like the best friend i have lol

Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 9:01pm]

ya no prob buddy want the 15m now?

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 9:01pm]

just whenever ur rdy no rush and i rly appreciate this

Demhelius [03.27.2012 @ 9:02pm]

sending it now bro all good!

mafiamade [03.27.2012 @ 9:02pm]


Demhelius [04.01.2012 @ 11:10am]


mafiamade [04.01.2012 @ 11:12am]

sending as soon as he gets home from work gma was in icu all week been real busy he said tell you dont trip hes got you boy:)

Demhelius [04.01.2012 @ 11:16am]

whats gma

mafiamade [04.01.2012 @ 11:47am]


mafiamade [04.01.2012 @ 12:29pm]

he said he will get to u tonight and a lil extra for waiting

mafiamade [04.02.2012 @ 11:25am]

6pm brother giving u a extra 10 for the wait

Demhelius [04.02.2012 @ 11:26am]

nah its ok u can keep the 10 extra

mafiamade [04.02.2012 @ 11:27am]


Demhelius [04.03.2012 @ 1:21am]

im beginning to think youre a scammer now, youve got until today 1am to do it thats 24 hrs

mafiamade [04.03.2012 @ 1:22am]


mafiamade [04.03.2012 @ 1:58am]

how many deals have i done with u bro just having a rough time right now my grandmother is in vegitable state her nurse said 2weeks is to long for her go day by day i been real busy i am sry but she comes before any game/bills but i will get u i promise u got my word

Demhelius [04.03.2012 @ 2:03am]

im sorry but i cant trust you

mafiamade [04.03.2012 @ 2:03am]

ill pay it man no probs by 1am and im sorry u feel that way ill holla

Demhelius [04.04.2012 @ 9:03am]

ive given you enough chances, it ends here

12 years ago  #33
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Posts: 410

TH3MAST3R said on 04.11.2012 @ 2:18PM:

oh he said he was going to sell me a xbox 360 nd he said to buy hes energy drink off the market cuz it cost him 15 favs to post in the open market so i bought the enrgy drink nd then he just blocked me but wat ever he was a dupe hes banned

SangriaX said on 04.09.2012 @ 5:04PM:

What was the transaction supposed to be. I need the whole story and I will post it in the scammers thread

TH3MAST3R said on 04.09.2012 @ 3:30PM:

i meant young_gunna720 he scammed me with 58 favs

12 years ago  #34
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Buyer Beware.

youknoowme1 said on 05.09.2012 @ 2:23PM:

miss ajja mr bkgangster told me to tell u what happen to me i made a deal with x_drake_x for an avenger dvd 2012 so he said yes that when i sent him my 30k eds he will lower it down he dirent so he scamed me then he wated me to give him my groundhod but i told him how am i going to give it to you after what he did

Ajja said on 05.09.2012 @ 2:41PM:

When did you transfer the item, so I can verify?

youknoowme1 said on 05.09.2012 @ 2:42PM:

earlier to day

X_Drake_X said on 05.09.2012 @ 10:37AM:

hmmmm get me the 30k eds then ill lower DVD to 1 fav

youknoowme1 said on 05.09.2012 @ 10:36AM:

what u think

12 years ago  #35
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YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:30pm]How many favs do u have bro

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:31pm]why do you ask

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:33pm]Cuz if u buy me 10 energy drinks from me ill give u 20 extra energy drinks or 20k extra cash want to

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:36pm]i dont have fav i have used all

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:36pm]In wat

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:37pm]Hey bro how much do u want for ur red bulls

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:40pm]did you spy on me xD hmm idont want to sell all off thom how much do you want to pay

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:42pm]Ill give u a chair for it

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:50pm]chair ?

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:52pm]ok

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:55pm]180 send them to me

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:55pm]wait 30 sec

YOLO1 [05.10.2012 @ 6:56pm]Ight

imps [05.10.2012 @ 6:57pm]there you go

I leave the fact as to whether the promised chair was returned as an exercise for the reader.

Edit: I've now gotten multiple complaints about YOLO1 so maybe not do deals with him?

Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

12 years ago  #36
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Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:30AM:

Joker16 said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:24AM: man fuck yall, he should of bought that shit first

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:26AM:

i have all the ametites on watch list so i can see even if u list an energy drinkj.bye now scammer i will report u

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:26AM:

Cause it was iron man 2 lol not imax

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:25AM:

that's a lie ! i don't got event when you listed it , so you lie again,bye i go post u

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:23AM:

I did see here's the Scripture of who bought it " Joker16 bought 1 Iron Man 2 from you off the Open Market for $1"

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:10AM:

ok:) list it at 11:12 ! for 50.000$

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:09AM:

Ill trade first but if you dont trade me then ill report you for scammin

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:07AM:

you have room in your cell. put the ironman imax in your cell. last chance or i go report you

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:06AM:

Dude yes it is, just because you spyed doesnt mean you seen everything in my cell

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:05AM:

no it's not. i just spyed you. you a a scammer and i will post you on forum so noone will make deals with u

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:04AM:

Dont have enough room , my cells full

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:02AM:

lol. you don't even have iron man...u wanna scamm lol. put it in your cell if you have it

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:02AM:

nah you list first bro,

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:01AM:

you list first bro.

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 11:00AM:

Alright, soon as 11:02 hits list it as $1 on the open market

Challenger said on 06.03.2012 @ 10:58AM:

yes,i am ready

Mr_cassanova said on 06.03.2012 @ 10:57AM:

Ayy you ready to make the trade ?

Challenger said on 06.02.2012 @ 8:45PM:

yo dude u arround? i need to sleep soon

12 years ago  #37
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Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 13 years, 27 days
Posts: 299

Stay_Faded08 [06.03.2012 @ 2:58pm]

Im selling 1800 for 70$ if u are interestd?

Cutie [06.03.2012 @ 3:05pm]


Stay_Faded08 [06.03.2012 @ 3:05pm]

Ok go ahead and send to ****** As a gift

Cutie [06.03.2012 @ 3:07pm]

i gotta run to store n get a pp card wit the money on it but it will only take 10 mins ok

Stay_Faded08 [06.03.2012 @ 3:07pm]


Cutie [06.03.2012 @ 3:08pm]

im gettin a moneypak card u kno how to use that?

Stay_Faded08 [06.03.2012 @ 3:08pm]

no i u have a acount can u use it on that and send the money

Cutie [06.03.2012 @ 3:09pm]

wheres the favs

Cutie [06.03.2012 @ 3:13pm]

yo wtf u got 6 favs ..hol up ima have bk handle u

Stay_Faded08 [06.03.2012 @ 3:14pm]

no i dont

nformant's Report on Stay_Faded08

Here is all I was able to dig up on Stay_Faded08 boss. Sorry if any info is missing, it's hard to pull this shit off and not get caught!




Last edited by Ajja 12 years ago

12 years ago  #38
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Posts: 299

king_nugz_786 said on 06.04.2012 @ 4:39PM:

hi to be a respected prisoner all you need to do is send 15k to me as i will be activating this chance for you and may i remind you this will only last a WEEK do the following instructions: send 15k to me sign out and sign back in there will be mail that show the instructions on what to do. (this only lasts a week)


Obviously not true, and a scam.

If any newbs still don't know how to get respected status but find this thread somehow: It is the giant CLICK TO UPGRADE button on your home page, or

12 years ago  #39
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Posts: 299

shafz_9 said on 07.02.2012 @ 3:39PM:

on sb i posted i wnat nhog

and i get mail saying

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 2:58pm]

3k eds

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:13pm]

swaggkid13 [07.02.2012 @ 3:17pm]

I need more eds and sw water for it

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:18pm]

swaggkid13 [07.02.2012 @ 3:18pm]

Hmm make it 5 we gotta deal

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:18pm]

bro 3k eds and 5k SW

swaggkid13 [07.02.2012 @ 3:20pm]


swaggkid13 [07.02.2012 @ 3:20pm]

Send stuff then I'll list

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:21pm]

OK list it for 50ksay ready and when i sya go

swaggkid13 [07.02.2012 @ 3:21pm]


shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:21pm]

ok bro sent

You've sent swaggkid13 3,000 Energy Drinks, 5,000 Bottle of Waters and were charged a $100 fee

say ready

shafz_9 [07.02.2012 @ 3:22pm]


12 years ago  #40
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Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 13 years, 27 days
Posts: 299

ogpeak1 [07.05.2012 @ 12:34am]

slow ass dude

BromMonster911 [07.05.2012 @ 12:34am]


ogpeak1 [07.05.2012 @ 12:35am]

D1314 bought 1 Napkin from you off the Open Market for $500,000

BromMonster911 [07.05.2012 @ 12:36am]

I was suppoed to say go than you list! Jesus!

BromMonster911 [07.05.2012 @ 12:37am]


Hes been offline 3 hours...You never even listed its on my watchlist...

ogpeak1 [07.05.2012 @ 12:37am]

motherfuck, let me hit the yard and get another....

BromMonster911 [07.05.2012 @ 12:37am]

Scammer.. Smh.


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