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13 years ago  #1
Level 8
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No one likes losing money. As Prison Block doesn't monitor player transactions outside a game, I figured I'd give you guys a tool to help you out.

After seeing a ton of threads pop up of people getting scammed lately, I decided to make a sticky for legitamate complaints about scams. A thread to rule them all, so to speak.

This thread is for people who have been scammed to let other people know who scammed them and how, so others won't fall into the same trap. THIS IS NOT A RANT THREAD. I don't want to see bickering back and forth, I will DELETE the thread if that happens.

If you need a template:

Name of Scammer:

What the deal was:

What happened:

This is a tool for you guys to use, so don't abuse it.

If, for whatever reason, there has been a misunderstanding about a post, and things are worked out outside the thread, I will see about deleting it.

Last edited by SangriaX 13 years ago

13 years ago  #2
Level 24
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Name of Scammer: Juice_Lucy

What the deal was: $62.50 for favors

What happened: Sent the $ via paypal and once she received, she disabled her mail and didn't buy my listed amen. Found out after the fact that she'd cleaned out her cell earlier in the day by selling all good amens for low game cash. Might be done with the game and saw it as an opportunity to try and scam some ppl. (know of 1 other person she got via paypal last night)

Last edited by JCsucks 13 years ago

"thats not gross. gross would be sayin i'd suck a fart out her ass and hold it in like a bong hit"- rogerharkey in reference to his love for selena gomez (quote of yr)
13 years ago  #3
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Originally posted by JCsucks Name of Scammer: Juice_Lucy

What the deal was: $62.50 for favors

What happened: Sent the $ via paypal and once she received, she disabled her mail and didn't buy my listed amen. Found out after the fact that she'd cleaned out her cell earlier in the day by selling all good amens for low game cash. Might be done with the game and saw it as an opportunity to try and scam some ppl. (know of 1 other person she got via paypal last night)

the amens are in my possession as abkiller brought some favors from her and all her amens via paypal i got sniped twice so i told her id take the rest anutha day i also know she never brought another persons favors after he sent her the money i had some1 in my inbox saying that she used the same paypal adress as me but thats fucking bullshit ill happily give any1 my user and password and they can look for themselves

13 years ago  #4
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PayPal and What You Need To Know

I have been using PayPal for 4 years now and while no expert, I have come across some items of interest for Buyers and Sellers in order to play it safe while making transactions whether on PB or other site you wish to use PayPal for.

IMPORTANT: if you receive an email from Paypal asking you to validate your account, or that there is trouble with your account or a dispute has arisen - DO NOT CLICK THE LINK IN THE EMAIL. Open a new browser window and log into Paypal the normal way and check to see if you have any messages - this can be found in the tab labeled "Resolution Centre". This button may be labeled differently depending upon the country you are in, but if there is a problem - the Resolution Centre is where you go. If there is no problem delete the email.

1. Due Diligence: If you are a seller or buyer on PB it is up to you to do your due diligence on the person you are making the trade with. Due diligence means you have searched the forums for their user name to make sure no one has called them a scammer. You have spied their cell to see they actually have the favours, eds, other item or amenity that will be used for the trade. I would rather spend 10 minutes asking around than 2 hours writing reversal letters to Paypal. Another indication that just maybe the person is going to scam you is the fact they are moving all their gear to another player - you never know.

2. The Transaction: It used to be that a high level player was the most trusted. That newer low level players should always send first, but lately this has not been the case and I'm not going to name names or problems here - simply a way for you to make a secure transaction.

--- A. As a Seller. If you are worried about the deal and don't trust the Buyer. Walk away from the deal. Don't let your greed or need get the better of you. Your item, favs or amens will sell later on - they always do and there is always another buyer. When selling to someone its best to make them post the money to your account as a Gift or Donation. You can even create a button in Paypal for them to click on in the denomination you choose, this info is best saved for Paypal Tech Support - I wont go into it. Having the Buyer post the cash as a gift ensures they cannot pull a reversal scam on you. And they can, for up to 45 days after the transaction. Meaning - if they sent you money (not as a gift or donation) they have up to 45 days to dispute the transaction - and if they dispute it they will almost always win, I'll explain more about this further down. So, if you allow them to send you cash normally, you may be sitting on pins and needles for a month and a half. If the Buyer refuses to post as a gift - walk away or take your chances.

---B. As a Buyer. Don't know the person you are buying from - check them out. Multiple threads have been created about people in the instant someone even thinks there is an issue. These threads never go away and are usually buried within a week. Do your due diligence and search. If the Sellers name comes up even once as a scammer - walk away from the deal... or take your chances - but please don't bitch about them in the threads - most of us already know and you won't find any sympathy here - you will find it in the dictionary between Shit and Syphilis though.

If the Seller is trusted and has never had a problem and is asking you to send as a Gift or Donation, well that's up to you - personally I would only send as a regular payment just in case a problem rises. Using Paypal to buy something from an unknown player will always take a little bit of trust. If you are worried about any deal, walk away. Crime and buy the amen for eds or trade amenities. Working your ass off here goes a long way...

3. The Reversal: If you have sent Paypal cash to a Seller as a Gift or Donation - that money is gone and there is no getting it back. End of story. The only thing you can do now is train over that person and put them in ICU the remainder of the game. But, if you have sent the Seller cash normally, the reversal portion is easy and can be won in a matter of days. This is where the "Intangible Asset" rule comes into effect.

Most people don't know what an "Intangible Asset" is according to Paypal. Wiki explains an intangible asset as:

Intangible assets are defined as identifiable non-monetary assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured, which are created through time and/or effort and that are identifiable as a separate asset.

Basically a digital object in these terms. That Computer Chair you wish to buy form another player - it doesnt exist in the real world. You can neither touch it, measure it or have it delivered to your home. Therefore it is not a "Tangible Item" but an "Intangible Item". I sell a lot of ebooks and while I don't have a ton of reversals, I may get one every few months and because it is a digital book which is downloaded only - I lose.

PayPal Rules - Within the Buyers Policy there is a quip about what is covered for reversal of an intangible item:

...Please note: PayPal's consumer protection programs only apply to tangible, physical goods which can be shipped, and excludes everything else, including but not limited to: intangibles, services, quasi-cash and all non-tangible, non-physical goods.

So, while you can got to Wally World and buy a dvd for $10 - hold it in your hand, use it in your DVD player and enjoy it - the same cannot be said for a DVD created on PB. It, is an intangible asset. So for those of you pushing out $100 for a PS3 or a Toilet... keep in mind what you are really buying. IMHO the only people you can really trust on here is Bootleg Joe and the Warden.

Filing A Reversal: Within Paypal you will have a list of transactions. Simply clicking the "Detail" button will send you to a page that has all of the information about the transaction. Further down there is a blue box explaining the resolution process:

Have a problem with this transaction? PayPal strongly recommends attempting to resolve this directly with the seller whenever possible.

You can also report it in the Resolution Center within 45 days of the transaction.

Simply click the Resolution Center link and you will be transported to another page where you are asked if it is an item dispute or unauthorized transaction. You will probably click "Item Dispute" unless your computer was taken over and pilfered. Simply explain the item is an "Intangible Good" meant for download and you were unable to download to your character on the game and you win. Done - nothing else you can do about it as the Seller. Sorry - but its true. One thing you don't want to do is fill up the resolution centre with bullshit he said, she said garbage. Be direct and to the point and let the other person look like a tool as they argue their case spouting bullshit. Those two little magic words will most often make you the winner in this online battle.


In closing - if you are worried about using Paypal then don't use it. Crime up the cash for barter - IMHO its what it was partly designed for. Cheers and enjoy the game safely.

13 years ago  #5
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Amen. Don't go outside what we set up and then expect us to hold your hand to fix when it goes wrong. Use common sense and caution.

13 years ago  #6
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just thought i'd repost this link to another thread that was started a while ago... this should help out

13 years ago  #7
Level 38
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Thank god for this thread... i wonder is there anyway it can be titled scammers and warnings for paypal users? so that it becomes clear that it contains advice for people buying stuff for paypal?

13 years ago  #8
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I'll also put this out there for those that may have read this thread, disregarded it and decided to scam the next person... Paypal can, and usually will freeze your PayPal account often for weeks (if not months) when it comes to reversals or emails about you scamming someone.

I am not going to tell you how many times they'll allow (or not allow) reversal of charges on accounts or emails about your account to them - they are real people reading the reversal notices and if for a second they believe you have an account created for scamming or you are quite possibly someone other than the real owner of the account - they'll freeze you out.

Good luck and enjoy the game

13 years ago  #9
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Originally posted by hanako Thank god for this thread... i wonder is there anyway it can be titled scammers and warnings for paypal users? so that it becomes clear that it contains advice for people buying stuff for paypal?

they dont condone using paypal on here.. theres many other ways to trade amens especially now that you can buy/sell/trade favors...

13 years ago  #10
Level 37
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Name of Scammer: La_madrastra

What the deal was: My $55 paypal for Deathly Hallows 2

What happened: She got the money then not been on for over month now. Heard she scammed others as well.


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