PsychoSteve's million dollar challenge

im lookin for a lock pick i got 250k right now

833? hmmmm let me think back....... oh, I remember something you told me a long ass time ago....
"Oh, so you charge me your runner fee now?"
Let's see if you remember what I'm talking about...
oh yeah, i remember, you're the one that started this $100 an item stuff, which is why i don't use or need runners any more
lies n slander!!! I dont know what you meeeeeeeen

im a human lockpick

who's cheating? what's cheating?
bleeeaargggghhhh k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k....
fucked the fucked up
dont come too close I will be compelled to suck on your brainwaves n eat your hair (or lack thereof) while I'm at it

I'm the female lockpick!

You break in, and make off with a Large Bottle of Water, a Slice of Block Cake! You earn 1,067 EXP!

1000 sw's?