PsychoSteve's million dollar challenge
I actually know this just don't know how I would post a pic of it...I mean im not a guy I can't just temporarily change the look of my avatar haha
just tell me and make steve send you the cash or send me a link or somthing
Thats what he looked like when he did that photoshop contest and that was around when i first to me that is old mu lol
that is old mu awesome brit, give me a minute
What about
KingTommy was a bonus, no homo.
wow, i'd forgotten what killed this thread 3 weeks ago
Anyway, gotta do something, time for another scavenger hunt. First to return with all of these gets 1mil game cash
1) a potato chip shaped like a famous person (must be obvious)
2) a knock knock joke
3) a jalapeno wearing sunglasses
4) underboob
5) the world's most awesome food