PB: Draft

Prison Block New Jersey (lvl1-3) Draft: 1MiLLion $ Challenge
This is a Challenge For the reward of 1Mil (plus+Pot)
To a lvl1-3 That is drafted by a Gang(person in a gang in PN or AZ), will be sponsored
By Them, & Gains/Trains The most stats in a week. (by Nex Tues.)
Taking Donations for dis Challenge & they will be placed in the +POT.
Reason for dis challenge Is to spice it up roun here sum, keep
it fun. & to keep the lower lvl's playing. & too Have some friendly Gang competion w/o sendin ppl to the Infirm .
Soo if you Interested Find your ROOKIE INMATE & Draft B4 sum1 else does. Then Once you got em, post theyre Name &profile , send me base stats,& post what gang dey reppin, bein sponsored by, Affiliated wit, watevrr.
Taking Donations for dis Challenge & they will be placed in the +POT
Last edited by razy317 14 years ago
im interested
good stats high 500`s
only 54% experience
have never done a crime

dont get it i wanna do

I am interested in this as well.
Still level one, have done a few crimes, but stopped doing that and just train and search the yard. Have plenty of time on my hands !!

sup niggas

Cmon AZ.. Dey waitin fa Yaw.

No Longer have to be Gang related. Individual sponsers & trainers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N3MONE Sponsoring MONTEN
Death ll take her.

H311isReal sponsoring Sunfun