PHEW! Thank God you said no Mufasa, these ideas just keep getting worse.
Man wtf is this shit! Yall fuckers need to take your gay shit somewhere other then the game or go get laid one.
Ima have to concur with this here and point out that this is probably the most retarded suggestion ever....except the suggestion by someone who was here for less than a week and wanted more prisons already.
is it just me or do the ideas get weirder each day?
Ohhhhh my god i can't believe this... option to rape... my god... thank you Mufasa for seeing the complete and utter obsurdity in this suggestion.... seriously as for hookers and STDs... i think you need a lesson in life... the only STD that you boys will get will be some kind of bacterial disease from not washing your hands before you... as witerob so elloquently said in another forum... beat your chicken... cause no woman would have you... and even if you could afford a hooker... they would turn you down... ohhhhh my god...option to rape... urghhhhhhhhh
6566 sometimes/all the time i dont get your posts as above your saying that then as soon as 1 or 2 players mention how sick and perverted this actually is your critising what the others have wrote. Imnot to sure if its just me but you seem to go with the grain. Grow some gonads and if you beleive in something say so dont cower down cause no one else likes it. I do agree with the rest this is the wierdest post ever seen in all my time here. What happens to them in there real day to day life ?
Clearly what they don't have happening in their real day to day life... is anything that involves two bodys meeting together...
Not willingly anyway...
i mean people do get raped in prison
Even still this is a game and some things just shouldnt be added.