Does how hard you ko the person have any effect on the time they stay in? Like if I hit him for 1 mil and then for only 50k is there any chacne of more infirmry time with the harder hit?

It seems like that to me honestly, but I'm not sure. I frequently infirm people for 20 min + who are significantly weaker (and I do over 100k damage on)

everytime i attack someone who a lot higher than me i get an hour in the damn infirm

some dude attacked me, and i put him in the infirm for 60 min. I dont think my stats r nothin to brag about and we were the same level he wasnt too much under me, i dont know how the time is figured

good to know.. lol

i honestly think its random.. through many tests ive came to that conclusion. i wont say no names tho lmao
I think bx is correct Ive ranged from 5 minutes to 23 minutes in my little testing