Gang Banner Editor *BETA*
Try holding shift and clicking the refresh button in your browser. Maybe the changes I made aren't showing because the old banner editor is caching?
god only knows ffs
I can't reproduce this error that you've created, but I'm interested in fixing it. When you get a moment, can you try going to layers "Shape 2" and "Shape 4" and clicking the red "No" symbol and saving? See if that fixes it.
done that and it stil the same ,i noticed when i done shape 2 it went on to shape 3 if that helps any
Try holding shift and clicking the refresh button in your browser. Maybe the changes I made aren't showing because the old banner editor is caching?
whatever you did it seems to be workin now

its all fucked up now,
when i put a boarder on the middle image disappears
Last edited by biscutz 11 years ago

when i put a boarder on the middle image disappears
Haha. Nice.
It might be my fault that some items are borked. Once I get these changes in a workable state, I'll upload it and post here.
Sorry for fucking your gang banners!
P.S. This new update may require yet another gang banner wipe. I hope everyone loves rebuilding them.
yea sounds pretty bad ass thanks KT and team...

Seems Legit

you been here 8 days and bumping a 6 month old thread, for?

Regardless, the banner editor kinda flopped. Nobody liked it a whole lot, and we decided we may go with a different process.
Until we figure that out, this thread will be closed.