Gang Banner Editor *BETA*
this is off the hook ...!!

this actually is pretty fuckin dope

i think it'd be nice to move the shapes around because other than the combo ive put together here:
most other combos look like overlapping retardedness

Go for it.
[EDIT]: You'll be able to access your fake gang banners by going to
Just replace the underscores with your name. Also, it may occasionally break. I'm currently working on the image saving feature.
Last edited by kingtommy 11 years ago

thx KT still best GB out here

one last thing from me... maybe be able to shrink or expand shapes as some are obnoxiously big almost fit onto whole banner or exceed it

Or rotate
good shit.. im thinkin maybe some specific shapes for gangs like a six poin star for GD or 3 poin crown for crips would b dope.. maybe pacs u can buy with specific gang symbols...?
We're open to art suggestions. Make this shit yours!
Disclaimer: not all ideas will be implemented.