Gang Banner Editor *BETA*
This is just a suggest - but is it possible to make it easier to scroll through the items in the banner editor. Maybe by making it bigger or by making a white scrolling bar on the button you can grab and scroll with or something like that
Wooops Just found out that you can hold an drag the "menu of items" to the side to see more. But I still think I would be nice with a scrolling bar or make the area of the "menu of items" bigger
Last edited by TheChamp 11 years ago
Sorry, guys. Had to delete all the banners because the data structure changed.
On the plus side: you can now empty out layers properly.
we can only use one shape on our banners? caz wen u put shape 2 it goes right on top of shape one.. is there a way to move them?
The idea is that certain shapes go together well. Example:
ohh true.. ok ill mess around some more later on wen i get bacc on.. how long will thes beta run?
It should be running for a while. We'll be expanding on the features, hopefully working in some player-suggested ideas.
This is a brilliant idea im goin 2 love it wen I try it
Is there anyway we could move them so that we can have a more original emblem than all other gangs?

cough toughest banner there is cough

cough toughest banner there is cough
I'd Like this if I could.
If anyone has suggestions, feel free to toss em in here.