Gang Banner Editor *BETA*
Sup, inmates! A new feature will be release for gangs soon. But first, we need your help! I present to you...
The Gang Banner Editor is where you'll make changes to your gang banner. The final system will include the ability to purchase additional elements if the default elements are too plain for you. For example, weapon sets, animal sets, etc.
Please note that you won't see these changes on your gang page, nor will anybody else see your banner. This is to test the editor.
Keep in mind:
- This is for testing purposes, and nothing is permanent. This means you will have to rebuild your banner when the final editor comes out.
- Occasionally, I may have to delete all of the saved data for banners. Sorry, but it's beta, and the core data changes.
- All of these elements may not be available in the final version ( the animals and weapons, for example, will be in animal and weapon sets ).
- There will be additional default elements in the final version.
- The final version will either allow only gang leaders or those with permission to edit. We'll decide later.
- Again at this time, saving your banner will not show up on your profile.
You do not have to be in a gang to use the Beta version. This will be open to all players. I'd appreciate any feedback and bug reports.
So what are you waiting for? Go make some banners!

Wow good shit tommy bouta try it out

Already seems there are some bugs saving. I'll sort them out. For now, just be aware that saving isn't working as intended. You should be able to load a previously saved banner at least.
[EDIT]: Saving should be working now, so you can load your save banner later. *
* The changes still won't reflect on your gang page.
Last edited by kingtommy 11 years ago
Looks pretty awesome
Will there be an opportunity to add text in the full version or not?
We've tossed the possibility around the office, but there's a lot more difficulty when working with text.
For now, I'll say it's a possibility, but we're leaning slightly toward no. If there's a huge demand for it, we'll work as hard as possible to try to make it happen.
Okay I understand For me thats the only thing thats missing in the banner editor, but lets se in the future

I put the back ground on just to see what it looked like, then took it off and saved. But when i go back the back ground is there and it continues to stay there no matter how many times i save it.
Yeah, there seems to be a bug where if you equip something on a layer, and later remove it, it forces the last item on there. A couple of players messaged me about it. I'll get on it first thing tomorrow morning and I'll post here when that issue is fixed.