Free Favors TUT: Wardens Paperwork

and i raped ur mum thats how i got locked up, i also heard you raped ur sister thats why you got locked up, your a sick sick man jay
my bad you dont know witch is ur sister or ur mum do you? damn inbread's

inbread? yes, I'm in some tasty, tasty bread.
Take bigsi's penis out of your mouth though bronson, it's bad for your health

Take bigsi's penis out of your mouth though bronson, it's bad for your health

Smarter than you that's for sure, but that's just what happens when you're in-bread.
Anyway I can tell the molestation of your childhood is a sensitive topic still; do you want me to cease discussion of it?

Anyway I can tell the of your childhood is a sensitive topic still; do you want me to cease discussion of it?
jay, there is no need to come on this game and explain about you been molesterd at a young ago, its ok though jay chin up

about you been molesterd at a young ago
lmfao epic

Anyway I can tell the of your childhood is a sensitive topic still; do you want me to cease discussion of it?
jay, there is no need to come on this game and explain about you been molesterd at a young age, its ok though jay chin up

If that's the sentence after proof-reading, you sir, have a significant issue with the English language.

Didn't understand it I presume...