Free Favors TUT: Wardens Paperwork
hey jay u think u cn help me? im doin dat exact survey u posted, bt like weneva it says to put ur number, i put pass, bt nothin happens the page jus turned blank. n i kno dis thread is kinda old. jus though mayb u cn help me

try using a different browser on them
4k Energy drinks and 2.5k Small waters.

ok you win?

After I made like 300 favs shit dried for me, couldn't get more than 20, but it's better now since i made like 150-200 again recently. Try them n see how they go, some still dont give me shit

Jay, wtf man, i only have 3 offers. And they all inclued downloads or pay, even the 'Free' are those to send a message.
You didn't count this on Portugal, did you? Yo' is a freckin' Nazi.

I stick to rock-you. And I've gotten payed from re-doing ones from the same advertiser, each advertiser has it's own rules tho u wontk now b4 trying

coo...guess ill pick a night and grind the fuck out see what happens...if it dont work ima chop you up and put ya in the mattress like drug money
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^^^^^^^^^^^-tell me you wouldnt hit that-^^^^^^^^^^^