Free Favors TUT: Wardens Paperwork

You are Powdered cake!
Quick and impulsive, you are incredibly sassy and impatient. Your wit and humor often makes you the center of attention but it's nothing new to you really. You love the attention and who doesn't love a bit of fun?
"Him chocolate with spinkles, seems racist but I'ma let it slide." lmao good shit man, thanks for da tips

I got a sticky woot
send me some money
is there only a certain ammount that you can do a day jay?! i went from 2 to 42 favours yesterday and attempted 23 more and got no favours...?

Depends which kind you're doing, might not be free ones, might be from the same advertiser, might be trying to repeat old ones, etc.
For some reason rock you does not work for me, i've refreshed my page, cleared all cookies, temporary internet files and filtering files. When I click on the rock you list, i get the same error message everytime: Sorry, there seems to be a problem with your ID. Please re-do the process.
Any suggestions? would resetting my ip address on my router fix this?
just made 50 favors in two minutes!
Thank you Jay!
Edit: 100 favors in less then 10 minutes with the mobile ones! not so bad!
Last edited by Lady_Johnson 14 years ago

Make sure to UNSUBCRIBE TO THEM... they will charge you $10/month!!
God I tried one of these and those sneaky fuckers really hide the skip buttons