Free Favors TUT: Wardens Paperwork

Well there's been a lot of bitching about favors lately, because most people don't realize how many opportunities there are to gain favors, completely free. I know there's a good tut by the member formerly known as Rapist, but for me it's just a bit too complicated than it needs to be. From Warden's Paperwork, in one day I made anywhere from 250-300 favors, I'll show you how and why right here.
1) What is Wardens Paper-work: It's my personal belief that you can only succeed in something until you understand it. Wardens paperwork is a system that allows advertisers to offer rewards and services to a site (Prisonblock)'s members. So when you complete offers it'll help Prisonblock make money, hence the rewarding of favors. But also note that advertisers are tricky bastards that WILL try to get you to buy things when you don't need to.
2) Personal Info: It's probably common knowledge but just never give a real phone number out, now, sometimes, they're wise asses and know what's a real address, and what's a real phone number. But we're wise asses too, they know this because they know certain prefixes a phone number would have for example, so 666-6666 they know isn't a real phone number because 666- isn't registetered to any phone company, so you got a number, or know of a number, use that for the first three numbers and the next four fake (presumably fake, I'm sure some poor bastard elsewhere will be getting spammed, but not us, not us.) Same with addresses, they know street names, so use a real street name within a given area code, and you'll be fine. Half-truths always work better.
::Procedure:: Let's get into what you'll need. For me, when I do these surveys all I have open in the next tab is good ol' it gives a temporary inbox to avoid spammage. This way your personal e-mails are 100% safe, in 10 minutes the inbox will be destroyed, so if you're doign a long survey that might need confirmation always make sure to click the "Give me 10 more minutes" sign.
Now what I've been using is the "Rock You" advertiser, if you go to you'll see a drop-down list, it's on BMG, go to Rock You, now why is Rock You good? It gives a bonus of 15 free favors if you complete five surveys, this is where you'll really feel like you've scored. You'll see the favors rack up. So use this, now for me after gaining so many favors, they seem to be drying up a bit, but new advertisers will always come so favors should be better in the future for me, anyway, click the "Free Tab", to ensure ALL programs are free, not mobile, not popular.
So you've got the E-Mail, the list of free offers to do. Now here comes the tricky part. I'll walk through the most difficult parts to these surveys and how they will try to trick you.
First the survey or poll will come up
Now, I want you all to think for a little bit. The FUCK does anyone care what donut I am? And why the FUCK would that make ANYONE money, if I'm fucking glazed or powdered. Good question, they don't care. You see they're hoping that you're tricked into sigining up for a program before seeing just how glazed you are. And these programs will cost you for example a hefty 10.00 a month on a phone bill, sneaky bastards.
So ok, we completed their gay ass survey without even looking at the questions, click click click, birthday, fake number, next! And my, my my what do we have here.
Uh-oh, your fake number aint working here is it? Why? Because it isn't part of the fucking survey, sneaky bastards threw that in to throw you off, look around see "Skip" anywhere, yeaaa you do. Click that, and you're going to have to click it a few times because similar offers keep popping up! You got passed this attempt of trickery though. Good job, bitches.
Now here's the next set of offers you WILL see
NOW, usually they make you say yes to at least two (this don't mean shit tho) sometimes they make you click yes/or on ALL of them (annoying as hell), most of the time they pre-selected two. So just hit submit if that's the case. Now you'll see the very offers that you hit yes to or that yes was pre selected to, pop up here, LOOK FOR "NEXT", "SKIP", OR "PASS" buttons, they hide them. But you will find it, usally at the bottom of the page. Now for the next five minutes you're going to repeat this same process, selecting two offers only to pass them, over and over, just keep going.
Finally reap your gay-ass rewards.
Him chocolate with spinkles, seems racist but I'ma let it slide. But that's it, you should be alll set.
TROUBLSHOOTING: Now first of all with these realize you win some you lose some, they have sophistocated systems in place that when you get to the end of a survey will either say "yes" you get rewarded, or "no you dont". A big reason for favors not being rewarded is because you're doing a survey from the same advertiser. Let me explain this real quick.
The most obvious example with this is with games, say you see offers for 3 games, you download em (don't worry no viruses come from this shit just annoying toolbars, and all that, uninstall immediatly afterwards) anyway, you download them and might get favors once, but not when you download the other two games, why? Because lets say the company "Gamevance" is putting out all three of these games, they have your IP and computer information in their database saying this guy already downloaded this shit before. So even tho the offers might look different, they might actually be one in the same. I'll be honest that survey I did for this tut, got no favors. ^^
You'll really be lucky to get a 50% success rate on these. That's why you gotta do it in bulk I spent HOURS doing it, and I got lots of favors. I think I squeezed out as much as anyone could so don't expect my results in its entirety. But it IS possible, and if anything if the free favors aren't enough for you, this is a good suppliment. And it does help the game free for us, but these advertisers do pay.
And yes I wrote a "novel", assholes. Get over it.
Peace, hope this helps ^-^

Kudos Jay, I hope people can make sense of that huge bunch of words

I know it's hard for some, but whenever you say free, people go crazy. ^-^

Favors: 66
I had 32 half an hour ago
Thanks Jay

Living proof Anytime!
hmm i got powerded donut and didint get my favs

That's why the technique I adopted was, do about 10000 of em, then refresh the p-block page, you'll the favs go up a lot. Sometime favors are rewarded on a delay as well. On those particular ones, I had a 50/50 success rate, the donuts one I'm not sure if I ever got favors, but I think there's one about chocolate I was rewarded favors on. But all the rules for that one there, basically apply for all the rest... if it says FREE, it is FREE. And look for a skip/next/pass button always.