DOB poetry corner
That’s not a poem
I mugged you for the coin
U messed with marnie J
For that you must pay
Wildcard will tear u a new arse hole
U will feel like ya sat on a red hot pole

She's 6 months inactive
it was on accident
so lets just relax
and stop the attacks
from getting at you
trying to take my bread
chill, i'll just give it to you.
i mug for xp
sometimes i dont see
i mugged marnieJ
and wildcard gave it to me
Wildcard [DOB] attacked you! You lost and were knocked out for 11 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
That’s not a poem
I mugged you for the coin
U messed with marnie J
For that you must pay
Wildcard will tear u a new arse hole
U will feel like ya sat on a red hot pole

She's 6 months inactive
it was on accident
so lets just relax
and stop the attacks
She will be back soon enough n she will go wild
She’s taking time off to have a dob child
Wildcard or shawshank could be the daddy
If bino bet em to it they will paddy
So take this bit of experience away
Cos dob will make ya pay

I will sodomize you and face-fuck you,
cocksucker Aurelius and butt-boy Furius,
who think, from my little verses,
because they're a little soft, that I have no shame.
For it is right for the devoted poet to be chaste
himself, but it's not necessary for his verses to be so.
[Verses] which then indeed have taste and charm,
If they are delicate and have no shame,
And because they can incite an itch,
And I don't mean in boys, but in
Those hairy men who can't move their loins.
You, because [about] my many thousands of kisses
You've read, you think me less of a man?
I will sodomize you and face-fuck you.