Cyanide Image Shop

I should charge 1k eds off every person that owns a cell-picture with items & amens in it:]

your should you would be rollin in eds

yeah because i am sure your brilliant mind was the first to come up with it right? your not the first and i am sure i wont be the last to think of this simple idea. Get over yourself......@ Slickster...thanks for the....encouragement? for one i didn't say i was the best i made it very clear im not in the beginning of the thread so TWO if you would fucking read you wouldn't need to waste your time posting that negativity. Thirdly kindly remove yourself from my thread and go troll elsewhere kthxbye.
AND i should charge 1k eds off every person who post pointless mumbojumbo in my thread.
its a free country

i had a feeling posting here in the forums would bring out all the idiots as it always dose in any forum setting. So unfortunate it has only taken this forum a few hours for the scum of prison block to show their faces. Thats disappointing .... awell i will just be using the best feature to ever come to online games... The Ignore/Block feature..... I'll be blocking and ignoring anyone who comes here with negativity.
wooh block me see if i care

To bad that doesn't carry over to the forum.
Gothy who did ur forum sig with u and leah?
Nice work on dha csu banner