13 years ago #1,571
i got 3 flim flam

13 years ago #1,572
i need matter injactors

13 years ago #1,573

Level 39
Status: offline
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 12 months
Posts: 6,653
Suwoop whats brackin Blood

13 years ago #1,574
got flim flams and fluxes for matter injectors...
13 years ago #1,575
whats up twoshoes

13 years ago #1,576
what a day to search the yard how much cash will I find tonight
13 years ago #1,577
Ok. i found out why Garcia got banned.
He said, "Cause they found out bout my old account i havent been on for like 2 months"
13 years ago #1,578
yea. how do we get flim flam, flux capacitors, power ring thingy, matter injectors without paying a ton of money for them?
13 years ago #1,579
13 years ago #1,580
What he do?
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