13 years ago #1,071
the same,, chillen outside with my friend

13 years ago #1,072
dats wats up
13 years ago #1,073
yup wat r u up to??

13 years ago #1,074
trying to get my speed in defense up
13 years ago #1,075
do ur speed and strength and speed the most

13 years ago #1,076
13 years ago #1,077
was good fam
You grabbed someone's confiscated copy of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides! It's now protected and waiting to be placed in your cell!
13 years ago #1,078
nada just chillen....watz kraken with u??

13 years ago #1,079
Whats up Kings
13 years ago #1,080
shit chillen filty whats good wit chu
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