freddymack's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
Ask me how to Join Inmates of America!!
1. Message about Membership to IoA4Life
2. Stay loyal to our cause, Never turn on a fellow Inmate
3. Follow orders from all Commanding Officers or be executed
Life In prison is not an easy day at the park having a picnic. These three basic rules are ment to insure the safty and sucess of ALL IoA4Life members. "

Ask me how to Join Inmates of America!!
1. Message about Membership to IoA4Life
2. Stay loyal to our cause, Never turn on a fellow Inmate
3. Follow orders from all Commanding Officers or be executed
Life In prison is not an easy day at the park having a picnic. These three basic rules are ment to insure the safty and sucess of ALL IoA4Life members. "