evans432's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" Inmate Blurb:
" the
people in my gang that dont have the gang banner up u got
tell the end of the day to get it on if you dont u are kicked out of the
gang.and dont keep asking me to put u on the banner i will get to it
latter when i get time......"Rule # 1 don't start shit with other
gangs.# 2 train everyday.# 3 if someone fucks with you go to your leader
1.if at war help allie
2.no attacking allies
3.report if one attacks you.

" the
people in my gang that dont have the gang banner up u got
tell the end of the day to get it on if you dont u are kicked out of the
gang.and dont keep asking me to put u on the banner i will get to it
latter when i get time......"Rule # 1 don't start shit with other
gangs.# 2 train everyday.# 3 if someone fucks with you go to your leader
1.if at war help allie
2.no attacking allies
3.report if one attacks you.