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erichsen's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $8,209
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 15 years, 6 days
Last Seen: 14 years, 11 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

                            President- Lboogie  
                          Vice President-  Swiss 
       |                                 |                                  | 
     Knight                Knight                                 Knight   
 Davebrad               Juboy                                 Pipelayer 
                                             Team Leader 
                                                Killemall                                                             Contract 
__________________________________________________                  Killer 
             |                                             |                                 |                               Derrda 
    Group Leader                       Group Leader           Group Leader             
       xxreaperxx                           Seven_is_god                    Dopeydave89   
           |                                                  |                                  | 
     Officers A                                   Officers B                   Officers C 
   Gangstajay                                   Dontkillme                 rickrocks  
   XxReapessxX                               Srbija                       usman23 
   Reido1095                                  obranigan              tmac123 
   Javad_k_brown                              Ryanc                              stayfreshstud 
  Ashtonbobashton                           Gonzo619                  Grever 
  reeman0170                                   chubbs                        vinniej 
  saucetheboss35                       Moose                                    Zuitana    
       msss                                      Johnnyravenclaw          badnaastycat ZzGrAnTyBzZ                                       LILMONEY                 spikewolf123   
SoCal                                              Concrete_Mama             Caspar 
  **********Recruiting**********See Lboogie                      crazzybuzz 
If you have a problem with a gang member go to their supporting officer DO NOT go directly to a knight or president. Only after you have not been able to resolve an issue come to a president. 
Allies: Hells Army 
           Stoned Raiders 
          The bandigos 
           Natural Born Killers 
          Penalties are as follows: 
Disobey a leader- 20k fine   2nd offense Removed from gang 
Not updating profile- 10k fine 2nd offense 50k 3rd offense removed 
         Update your profile every Monday copy from Lboogie 
War without aproval- 50k fine 2nd offense removed  " 