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dundun's Rap Sheet

Level 8
Health:   15,567/15,567
Cash: $1,339
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 12 years, 4 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" "1.  You catch Johnny_b7, and manage to take $11,234 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 3462 EXP! 
2.06/25/2011 11:18am
chief718 tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!

3.You catch midnyte, and manage to take $8,787 in cash from him. You earn
2315 EXP!
4.You catch DraMaQuEen, and manage to take $8,887 in cash from her. You decide to beat the shit out of her for good measure. You earn 3146 EXP!
You nearly have a stroke from too much Redbull!
