dodd's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:

1.dont ever attack our gang member or our allys
2.wanna join contact me or kidflame
3.wanna leave my gang 5k if i dont get my money im sending the gang for you
4.train to level up
5.we are family help you family if you can
6.our colors are(red,black) get a position u must earn it got it
5star general:mrrayray
4star general:kidflame


1.dont ever attack our gang member or our allys
2.wanna join contact me or kidflame
3.wanna leave my gang 5k if i dont get my money im sending the gang for you
4.train to level up
5.we are family help you family if you can
6.our colors are(red,black) get a position u must earn it got it
5star general:mrrayray
4star general:kidflame