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demon67's Rap Sheet

Level 1
Health:   200/200
Cash: $6,950
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 6 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 2 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:


Tired of being a nameless member? Tired of not knowing anybody in the gang, yet still paying fees to someone whos never even talked to you, let alone helped you?
This is the new beginning, Loyalty

              Aftermath                        MsLaurena

          BobbiDeniro                        LukeMyatt       


sbladatt187set        Rebel93               mhasssan1996      thinblueline
ilfa                             slipknotrox666     RokStar
1 This is a family, no internal fighting
2 If your too lazy to represent us on your profile, dont expect to be protected
3 If anyone messes with you let a Captain know
4 Members who havent made it to the rank of Soldier who dont interact with others will be removed (and for the fun of it, randomly beaten)
5 If you don't benefit Loyalty, thanks for stopping by
6 Update your profile every few days so you dont miss out on new members, enemies and rule changes
7 Claiming us without being recruited will earn an automatic spot on our page as an enemy
8 If money beg us without even having helped the gang, I hope you get some, because you will be on the enemy list and will need it for medical bills. If you have been around for awhile and have a good reason, then ask a Captain.
9 Interested? Mail a [color=#006600]recruiter[/color]