deadline93's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" 'United Blood Nation' [Alli Gangs]
Leader:Brandon78 Alli 1.6 DUCE BRIM PIRU BLOODS
Underboss:Dylan11 Alli2.GREEN STREET
First Lady:Comander
"Gang Color: Red"
Rules: 1.You must respect all gang members if any gang member is disrespected you will be fines $400 If it happins agian you will be kicked out of the gang
2.If you ever need anything contact Brandon78 Or Dylan11 we will try to reply back ASAP if not its because we are busy but we will get back at you
3.Make money
4.Train everytime you get the chance
5.If your only attacked one dont sweat it but if the same person attacks you more then once get at Brandon78 or Dylan11 and we will get him delt with
6.Treat every gang member like family
7.dont attack anyone that is a higher level than you pick one someone your own size
8.Respect all alli gang members treat them with the same respect that you would treat a fellow gang member with if our alli gang leaders tell me that you have disrespected there gang there will be a price to pay the yard,do crimes,graveyard play the games to get oney and exp
10.Dont take any shit from anyone stand your own ground
11.Find people to join but get them to message Brandon78 or Dylan11 First
12. Must log in atleast every 2 days if not you will have to pay the Leader:Brandon78 $1000 let Brandon78 no if your gone be longer than two days ahead of time and you wont be fined
13.Update your profile every 2 weeks and Leaders every week
14.Add all of your fellow gang members to your friends list and all of the leaders to our alli gangs

Leader:Brandon78 Alli 1.6 DUCE BRIM PIRU BLOODS
Underboss:Dylan11 Alli2.GREEN STREET
First Lady:Comander

Rules: 1.You must respect all gang members if any gang member is disrespected you will be fines $400 If it happins agian you will be kicked out of the gang
2.If you ever need anything contact Brandon78 Or Dylan11 we will try to reply back ASAP if not its because we are busy but we will get back at you
3.Make money
4.Train everytime you get the chance
5.If your only attacked one dont sweat it but if the same person attacks you more then once get at Brandon78 or Dylan11 and we will get him delt with
6.Treat every gang member like family
7.dont attack anyone that is a higher level than you pick one someone your own size
8.Respect all alli gang members treat them with the same respect that you would treat a fellow gang member with if our alli gang leaders tell me that you have disrespected there gang there will be a price to pay the yard,do crimes,graveyard play the games to get oney and exp
10.Dont take any shit from anyone stand your own ground
11.Find people to join but get them to message Brandon78 or Dylan11 First
12. Must log in atleast every 2 days if not you will have to pay the Leader:Brandon78 $1000 let Brandon78 no if your gone be longer than two days ahead of time and you wont be fined
13.Update your profile every 2 weeks and Leaders every week
14.Add all of your fellow gang members to your friends list and all of the leaders to our alli gangs
